Part 10 - Formalities

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I swear this one is enourmous lol


Goh ran down the stairs to dutifully answer it, but Lillie stopped him in his tracks and hissed,

"It's the Prince!" She looked disdainfully at her stepson, "Hide in the kitchen, quickly!" She grabbed his shoulders and steered him through the doorway, much to Goh's disappointment. He could have guessed, though, a servant like him wasn't going to be much to show off.

The door clicked, "Welcome! Come on in!" Lillie's cheerful, loud and fake voice rang out.

"Thank you ma'am." Goh felt his heart rate elevate. It really was the Prince, the same boy he'd danced with one week ago. But his tone did sound a bit different. When it had been warm talking to his dance partner yesterday, now it was cold and formal.

Lillie walked through into the sitting room with the Prince following behind, "So what would you like, your highness?" She asked politely. Goh tiptoed quietly out of the kitchen and peeped through the crack between the door and the wall. Misty and Serena were there as well, both with fake smiles plastered on their faces. He rolled his eyes at their obvious attempt to seem like nice young ladies, it was almost ridiculous. Then he realised he had done the exact same thing.

"I am looking for the- maiden, who I danced with at the ball," He'd hesitated on the word 'maiden', Goh noted. The Prince must have remembered him in some way, "She is the one who fits this shoe. And when I do find her, we will get married." Prince Ash proclaimed. Married. Goh wasn't sure someone as perfect as the Prince would want to marry a servant like him when he found out the truth.

"Well, obviously it was me!" Misty lied, taking the shoe from the Prince and trying to shove it on her foot. Unfortunately, it was too small for such a wide foot as hers, "Oh- oh.."

"Let me try!" Serena insisted, but the shoe was too narrow for her as well, "But how..."

"Hmm, well, I'd better go then. Good day, ladies." The Prince stood up and began to leave. But he hadn't even reached the door when...

"Wait!" Lillie cleared her throat, and Goh breathed a sigh of relief at not being caught, "What I mean is... Servant! See the Prince out, will you?" Her usual air of confidence returned to cover up her outburst.

Goh stomped a few times to pretend to be walking from the kitchen, then opened the sitting room door, "Yes ma'am" He kept his head down and his voice low to avoid being recognised by his former dance partner on front of the women. He led the Prince out into the corridor, and was thinking about how to reveal his true identity when he accidentally stumbled! He fell forward, but luckily Prince Ash caught him by the hand somehow, this time without any gloves. Goh blushed red, and hoped that the other boy didn't notice.

"Hey, wait a minute... It's you! The boy I danced with!" Ash exclaimed, grinning.

"I- uhh..." Goh stammered, extremely nervous.

"We never got a chance to finish it, did we?" He asked. Ash moved closer to Goh, slipping an arm around his waist.

"Guess not..." Goh put his arm on his dance partner's shoulder.

"Well then, where were we?" The Prince asked.

"Near the end, I think." Goh answered, then realised what that meant.

"Ok then," Ash grinned, "Shall we?"
This was it, the moment Goh had imagined and daydreamed about ever since he had first laid eyes on the handsome Prince in front of him.

"We shall." He smiled back at Ash.

At Goh's words, Ash kissed him. He dipped him forwards and Goh had to stick his leg out to keep from falling. They wanted it to last forever, not just the kiss but the feelings, and the company. It felt right, and it felt perfect.

Lillie watched in horror to see her servant kiss Prince Ash – the Prince of the country – but she didn't do anything about it because honestly, he was a terrible servant and she would be glad to replace him.

"Would you, my dear... Hang on, I never did catch your name?" Ash asked, standing straight.

"My name's Goh." He smiled.

"Goh. What a beautiful name," Ash kissed the back of Goh's hand, "Well then, my dear Goh, would you marry me?"

And from that moment on, the Prince and the servant boy lived happily ever after.

The End. 

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