being saved

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I watched as 2 men waited for someone in front of a hotel. One of them, a fanalis. I watched him... he seemed so plain. A bored expression in his face. Lazily leaning against the wall, watching a butterfly with no interest at all. Just as I thought he would look my say. I spun around hiding behind the poll. I looked back to see him gone.. I sighed and leaned against the poll again to find him stand in in front of me.. I screamed but have s hand covered my mouth until I calmed down. He looked me up and down before reaching into his chest plate bringing out a cloth.. he wiped some blood off my forehead slowly.. he then proceed to wipe the dirt off my face.. I could feel the people around me stare.. the people who did this to me glaring. I let out the breath I was holding when he was finished... he finally spotted the chains on my ankles.. they flanked against the floor as I shifted from foot to foot in pain.. he just starred at me as my master came rushing over.... " I'm so sorry ser.... is my slave causing you trouble.. I can have her killed instantly..." my lady stated yanking on my cherry red hair.. the yelped as I was yanked to the floor. I heard something metal being taken out.. I closed my eyes for the worst and waited for a beating but it never came... I opened my eyes to see a piece of gold on the ground. But then even more shockingly, I heard my chains shatter.. the chain around my neck also came off.. this man was ripping them to shreds with his bare hands. He then offered me a hand as my.... as the lady stood there shocked at what had just happened. Even I was still shocked and confused.. all I could do was follow this stranger as he led me into the hotel.

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