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I've been on this island for a week now.. everyone was s training and I am mostly with Masrur me ch to Sinad's disappointment. We now train Morgiana. I may not look it but I can fight. Why do you think I kept getting punished? Morgiana learns fast. She is strong.. be t not strongest. As she rested, Masrur and I spared until we heard the ships coming in.

Sinbad was back.

We awaited for Sinbad as he walked off the ship with a prince and princess in tow. The boys eyes widened and he blushed when he saw me. He spoke to Sinbad and bowed with his hand wrapped around his other fist. He then smiled at me but I hid behind Masrur. I saw his gulp when he saw Masrur.

The princess was crying. It seems that Sinbad had been disrespectful to the young princess but was proven inosent by the water wizard. I giggled slighty.. only loud enough for Masrur to hear. He looked down at me and patted my head. He treated me much like a child. Yet he was only taller than me and not much difference wise.

That night we had a festival as Aladdin and Alibaba were introduced to their teachers. I stayed at the side of Masrur.
Masrur led me to my room taking out a traditional island dancing dress and helped me into it.. My scars had faded and you could barley see them yet he still traced them. He knew where each scar was after just one look. " your scars are healing." He stated simply as I nodded. " my scars may heal physically but they will never truly dispear." I whispered. I had learned the common language fairly quickly. He nodded and kisses my shoulder and placed his hand were my heart would be.." is there a scar here? " he asked as is reading my mind...I nodded slighty and he kissed my forehead.. " it will heal. I will heal it." It sounded as if he was saying that he would love me.. he kissed my nose now.. then moved on to my jaw.. just as he were to kiss my lip, we heard yelling.. " Masrur!!!! You better not be a n her room again! " We heard Ja'far yell. He was much against 2 people of the different gender spending a great amount of time together when. They aren't married.
Masrur straightened up as if nothing had happened.

As I danced with Morgiana on the stage.. a dance that I remember from my home land... I looked around to see how beautiful ths island really was.. me. Men whistled at me and asked to dance with me as well declined all. One tried to touch me but was faced with a static Masrur. There was a slight tint of red on his cheek and the fresh scent on alcohol in his breath.. he had drunk alcohol. I laughed as he hugged me from behind.. I started t lead him to his room for sleep. He probe by only had 1 cup of wine... he is very weak when it comes to drinks.. he kissed my cheek and then leaned against the door to look at me... he then leaned down towards me with his arms caging my head against the wall.

There I started to feel my scar fading.. his lips touched mine. A spark was felt on our lips as he pulled away.. he leaned in once again but only kisses my lower lip before heading into his room and closing the door whisplering a quiet good night.

I stared out my balcony out into the forest of this island. . It truly is beautiful

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