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I was led to a room where another 2 men were speaking.. they starred at me as we entered the room. The other fanalis bowed to the purple haired man and I hurriedly did the same until I was signaled to stand. The other fanalis started. To explain what he had done to the purple haired man... he had nodded multiple timed before looking at me with the look of pity.. I shrunk back a bit .
As the purple haired man came closer to me, I panicked... I yelped and ran behind the other fanalis.. " it seems she is afraid od men yet no of a fellow fanalis. Masrur.. we need to know her name.." the purple haired man said or that was what I understood.. the other fanalis, or masrur nodded before kneeling in front of me. " what Is your name? " he asked I did not know what to say.. I could not speak the common language and of men.. " you may speak. I'm understand our national very language... I do not speak it though. " he spoke as I nodded slowly. " I am called as Hiyari. My masters had called me Zula. Why have you freed me... I am no good in the free world.. " I asked as tears came to my eyes.. he related my name to the man before taking mu hand in his.. " you will not be a slave any more. You will learn. I shall help you.. King sinbad shall help you as well. We will be taking you to his kingdom of sindria. " he stated flatly with no emotion on his face. I looked to the purple haired person.. " you are Sinbad? " I asked with the little common language I knew. He nodded and smiled.. I bowed my head slightly before looking at the other man in he room.. he looked weaker that the other to.. " I am known as ja'far. It just s a pleasure to meet you.." he bed with his hands in his sleeves. I nodded towards him. Sinbad ope ed the door to reveal a wrker holding women's clothing. He handed then to Masrur and spoke..' I will leave then here.. you may change while I we step out to speak with some people. " he then stepped out the door with Ja'far but Masrur stay and stared me before walking towards me.

He lifted the slaves shirt over my head. Never daring to look down at my chest. He starred at my back tracing the scars on my back.. the scars from all the different masters. Scars from fire, scars from whips, and even scars from swords. He traced then all before pulling down a pair for f thin baggy pants and running his hand down my leg.. scars.. more scars.. my inner thigh, my other thigh, even my stomach. They were all scared.. faded scars. He kissed one on my foot before pulling a dress over my head and onto my body.

Still kneeling, he brought my leg onto his thigh as he wrapped my ankles with bandages to keep from further wounds. He kissed them once before helping me up.. He offered his hand to to.. to lead me out of he room. I took his hand. Once you have something.. you want more.. and now I know that I want his kindness to last because he saw all of my scars but one.

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