fighting for you

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I stood at one end of teh field and waited for everything to begin. we heard the gun shot and we started.. hand to hand combat was first.. he was no where as strong as Masrur.. this boy was only half fanalis. i could tell. but he was fast.. i also saw a metal vessle at his side i touched my necklace remembering my vision.. i had one as well.

He attacked with his sword as i dodged and attacked with my bare hands and feet... that was when i saw him getting tired.. i knew that Fanalis dodnt have much magoi so why was he going to use it now... " STOP!!!" I heard Sinbad yell as Mu attacked me with his metal vessel.. Masrur was in front of me with in seconds taking te hit.. a sword through his shoulder.. I stood there completley shocked... magoi gathered around me as my necklace glowed.. a purple mist surrounded my form.. a purple flame... I screamed as i ran out of the mist.. surly everyone was suprised at my appearence.. a purple flame clinging to my back forming wings and talons as nails..purpleand blue feathers covered my front and tail feathers covered my backside.. I was a phoenix. my hair turned a deep purple and wild.. My eyes still red.. I screamed as i attacked Mu.. I swung at him left and right before i was stopped. Mu was on the flor panting.. I was pulled to a strong chest.. " I'll kill him!!!! Let me go.. He killed Masrur!! I'll kill him!!" I screamed as yelled as i struggled against this person's strong grip.. " I am right here.. he did not kill me.. " He stated hugging me.. I cried.. " But i saw his stab you.. You were on the floor.. I saw you.. " I cried as he hugged me.. Mu was ust staring.. Masrur was glaring at Mu. He tilted my head up and kissed me in front of everyone.. gilrs were making awe sounds while boys, i mean Sharrkan was cheering.. Mu stood up.. " I'll be leavinning thn.. I lost... " He said as he started to walk off. O didn't even look at him.. Masrur hugged me. I felt myself turning back to normal. i huggd him back as people surrounded us.. they cheered me on as i fell against Masrur, unable to move.. my body was tired. like i said fanalis dont have much magoi..

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