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Who knew fanalis could get must have been that crazy ocen water from the other day...

FLASHBACK******* wierd sounds-werewerwerwerwerwerwer*******************

SInbad had givin everyone a day off and we all travel down to the beach for some fun.. I don't like water.. never did... So Sharrkan, the swordsman, thought it would be funny to dump a bucket of cold water on me while i was laying in the sand... I had screamed and Masrur was at my side drying me off. I glarred as Sharrkan and kicked the sand under him. This resulted in sand getting in his pants, in his hair and getting burried 4 feet within the ground with only his head visible. He screamed for help but no one bothered to help him.. then i heard yelling and cheering to see Masrur arm wrestling people. he looked extremely bored.. I laughed as the last person lost.. I sat down in front of him... " I want to play " Was all i said to get everyone's attention.. everone cheered... well besides Sharrkan.

Masrur and i readied our arms... Then he spoke... " If i win, you have to jump in the water with me.... " He said in our native languge... I laughed but nodded... " If I win, You have to get a dog...." I state with a grin.. He nodded as well. Then we started.. there was a blast of sand around us and everything was.. intence.. Neither one of us was budging. but as time went by, i started to get tired and he loked completely fine... The table under out elbows started to crack and just as the table broke, He tapped the back side of my hand on the wood... I laughed as nodded in his victory.. but then he pointed to the water.. I gulper as we wade our way toward the waves.. just as we were a foot away he turned and started towards the cliff.. I froze.. Masrur... " There is no way, I'm jumping off of that thing!" I growled as i got down on all fours refusing to walk any closer to the cliff.. " You said jump in the water.. not jump off a cliff!" I growled as he looked at me boardly before slinging me over his shoulder... I screamed and kicked but he never let go.. i swear he knew that he was going to win from the beggining. " Masrur!!!! Put me down!!" I yelled and he did but we were already at the top of the clif.. I shivered as the wind hit us... I looked down to see the waves hitting the clif wall and i clung to Masrur as he wrapped his arm around me... Before i could protest.. we were flying off the cliff. i screamed as loud as i could and just as we hit the water, I opened my eyes to see Masrur in front of me, I'm still in his arms... even in the water, i could see his red hair and those red eyes. He pulled me closer and tilted my chin up.. he kissed me slowly as we floated back up to the surface... We burst through the surface as i looked to Masrur. I wanted to know he be kept on doing this to me... i was blushing a bright red while he looked unfazed... I grew mad....

As soon as i could feel the ground, I stormed off because i looked like a drowned cat... He just looked at me and watched me as i made my way back to my towel. I laid in the sand again to dry off. I refused to look at him...

END FLASHBACK****** werwerwerwerwerwerwerwerwerEnd weird noises******************

I sat in my room when someone knock on my door.. " Hiyari.... Please come out... You've been cooped up in your room since yesterday. come one. we need your help... Masrur won't take the medicines.. he completely refuses and he says he wants to see you... " I heard Sinbad say as i opened the door... I had feathers covering my chest and a skirt in a matching color as the feathers.. Sinbad was plugging his nose.. I made my way towards Masrur's room and opened the door without knocking to find him gone... He wasn't there... " Where is he?" I asked as Sinbad started to panick about his missing general. I scanned the room and saw the open window... " He'll be back.. he won't die... He'll be back by supper. " I stated before locking myself back in the room.

Just as i closed the door. I heard my window open.. I saw Masrur jump in with a black bundle in his arms... He had a tint of red on his cheeks from a fever and he loked tired.. I pulled him into the room.. his health comes before anyting else. The black bundle moved and sqirmed around until i relized that it was a puppy... He went to go ge a puppy.. But Masrur was already almost knocked out.

I ran out the room to find midicine and inform Sinbad about Masrur... We ran into the room to find him sitting up and petting the puppy softly just starring out into space... I walked towards him with medicine.. Sinbad and Aladdin locked and closed the doors and windows of my room.. Masrur looked... scared.. " YOu need to take your medicine.." I ordered as he shok his head like a child... He shut his mouth closed tightly and urned around.. I took hold of his arm facing him towards me as i plugged his nose.. even after 5 minutes of not brething, he refused to open his mouth.. " Would you rather die than drink this stuff?!" I growled as i took Sinbad's sword and pointed it at Masrur.. He nodded as i sighed giving it back to the scared king.. I poured the content into my mouth and kisssed him... He seemed shocked and suprised but soon I got him to open his mouth and i hurridly gave him all of the medicine before pulling away gasping for breath.." That stuff is horrible.. If tastes like frog legs and snail." I growled as Sinbad smirked... " That's exactly what it is..." I covered my mouth... " I'm so sorry Masrur... " I stopped as i saw his alseep with his heaad on my lap..... Sinbad was on his way out the door when i threw a rock at his head.. It hit him and he stumbled the last few steps out..

I woke up with Masrur's arms wrapped around my waist... His head was nuzzled into my chest and our feet were tangleed up together.. he was still sleeping. the dog was sleeping in between us... When i heard the soor open to my room. I hurridly closed my eyes and listened... Wasn't it kind of mean to purposly make Masrur sick??" I heard Drakon say... " Well something happened and Hiyari was mad at Masrur.. we needed to do something to help then into a relationship.. they've been this close since we saved her... Their pretty much a couple... Just not officially.. Hopefully this will push them in the right direction... " I heard Ja'far stated as i heard SHarrkan muttering.. "Why did we have to ckeck on them.... " " Because what if something did happen and the kids walk in on them.. " I wanted to blush but i forced my self not to.. " Awe man..... If only." I heard a thwack. " Get your head out of the gutter." I heard Drakon scold Sharrkan as they argeued.. I felt Masrur getting up... I could only imagine what he looked like.. he was not a morning person... I heard all three of then screaming as they ran out.. I could feel his stare as he laid back down... " I Love you... Hiyari." I heard him whisper hugging me... I could feel my scar healing even more as tears rolled down my face.. he seemed to notice and kissed them away... " Hiyari.. You are mine... YOu've been mine since i first saw you.. I'm going to heal you... " He whispered as i nodded.. " I guess the sickness really did help us."

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