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Everyone pretty much knew how much we loved each other but no one knew that we were together... WE never anounced it.. We're not even sure.. all we know is that we belong to each other and each other alone... So when we got a letter from Mu of the lean empire, we were completely shocked.. He wanted me to join his fanalis corps and become his bride.. his wife... I was utterly shocked... I laughed when i finished reading the letter.. I have no idea how he knows about me but he was childish... I looked towards Musrur and he was chukling but then another letter fell out of the envolope...

---PLease be ready for my answer.... I shall be traveling Sindria on the 8th of April... We shall apeak then princess. until we meet. " ----

I grew worried.. I could feel a dark aura surrounding Masrur... I took his hand in mine and looked up at him.. He looked completely normal yet everyone could feel him anger in the air.. Why he was this mad.. today was April 8th.. And we could see the ship from the harbor.. He gripped my hand tightly as we made our way to the harbor the greet the fanalis..

As soon as Mu was off of the ship, his eyes alnded on me.. he kneeled and kissed my hand... " My lady.. it is a pressure to finally meet you.." He stopped as he finally relized there waas another Fanalis standing beside me.. Masrur pulled me behind himself as both male fanalis stood up tall. With Masrur being about 2 inches taller, he looked more intimidating.... Mu smirked.. " Don't tell me, you've claimed her as yours.... I'll just fight for her.." He said drawing his sword... I hugged Masrur from behind and both of them stopped... " Let's change it up a bit.... I already know that Masrur is stronger than me.. i will never marry a an weaker than i am, so let me test you.. if your stronger than me... i'll ley you too battle it out.. but if i beat you.. you leave.." I spoke in our native language.. Morgiana translated my words for everyone else.. " Sinbad.. do not stop us.. This does not concern us.. it is a Fanalis rule that a male must always be stronger than the female when getting married or mated. " I stated confidently... " But even if i do loose, You will never beat Masrur... He'll rip your spine out of your chest.." I whispered for only him to hear. He gulped but nodded.. We made our way to to an open field..

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