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People watched me as I stepped out.. the people I just saw a few mutes ago saw me in a different light. They saw a beautiful woman.. a beautiful fanalis women. Not slave.

There was a small boy speaking to king Sinbad
The boy launched himself at my breast while droling. I hid behind Masrur whimpering. He wrapped a protective arm around me. " everyone. This is Hiyari.. a fanalis that we just freed today.. she can't really speak our language but she understands us.. Hiyari... these are my friends.. the short boy is Aladdin. The blond is Alibaba and the girl, the fanalis is Morigiana. " he introduced as I nodded towards them still clinging to Masrur.. " Masrur what was taking u so long. We were just going to go get Hiyari when she was done changing. You didn't have to wait for her..." Sinbad asked as Masrur answered once again plainly. " I was helping her dress and a dressing her wounds." Everyone was quiet... " you.. yo.. you saw h...her..her naked!!!!!!" Sinbad yelled shocked holding his nose.. Ja'far looked pail. The boys were passed out from blood loss. Masrur nodded and brought me closer to his chest as Aladdin was drooling again...I could hear Masrur' s heart beat through his armor.. a strong heart beat..

I sat in the room waiting for everything to end.. the skies dark with evil. A battle going on outside. The great definition of hell. I heard the chaos before I felt it.. but then I could feel light. The light of Aladdin. The magi.. Solomons reincarnation. But soon I had a vision of darkness.. a blue being calling to me... a being trapped in a tower. Calling for me and as I reached out for it, the vision grew brighter. As I held the vase, a necklace formed around my neck with a circle on it.. the vision was gone much like how th battle had ended

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