Chapter 9

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Chapter 9. Her mind was racing a million miles an hour, her heart hammering out of her chest as her eyes wandered around, wondering if there was any way she could escape this moment she had been absolutely horrified of for 5 years coming. Troy was still staring at her in pure confusion as Lyric worked up the courage to turn and face whatever problem this was..after about 10 seconds of sitting in silence she slowly, but hesitantly looked over her shoulder, Troy following her gaze. He actually took in the woman's appearance this time..she was a short white woman, looked to be around 5'6", long dirty blonde hair and hazel green and blue eyes. She had a similar figure to Lyrics and had a tattoo on her forearm and on the side of her neck that he couldn't make out because of the large space between them, and she was in her mid 30's. Lyric took a slow deep breath in and stared at the woman, her eyes fluttering to blink away any tears that had formed. "How did you find me" Lyric was hardly able to whisper, she sounded absolutely terrified. Troy looked at Lyric and then the lady, trying to read the situation. "It was pretty easy shouldn't have taken my last name." She said softly, Lyric shakily inhaling an attempted deep breath that she hardly drug in. "I couldn't just keep my name, Candice..they would have found me, quickly." Lyric uttered. Baby?? MY last name?? Shit..this is the mother, isn't it? Troy was snapped out of his thoughts by Lyric who grabbed his hand and pulled him up with her as she stood up. "It was great catching up, but we need to get goi-" Lyric was interrupted, "Addison..please, just at least give me a chance to explain myself." Candice pleaded as she gazed at her, It looked like Lyrics heart had sunken, scoffing in disbelief. "Explain?.." She hardly uttered. Addison?? Troy thought, his eyes flickering to Lyric. "EXPLAIN?!" Lyric raised her voice as tears swelled in her eyes, Troy flinching a little at the sudden anger. "Oh you mean explain how you got me kidnapped and used as a test dummy for a bunch of rich, fucked up scientists?!" Lyric yelled and Candice went silent, Troys mouth agape in utter disbelief as he stared at her, "Or do you mean the part where you let me sit in an adoption center for a year, letting me get more abused and fucked up?" She questioned further in an irritated tone, Candice opening her mouth to speak but stopping because Lyric held up her hand. "Actually, I don't need your fucking explanations or apologies. None of that will ever help me forgive you because there isn't any forgiving..there's only hatred. Because that is all I feel for you anymore, Candice." Lyric paused to take a breath, "Hatred." She breathed out. Tears blurred Candice's vision as she shook her head, clutching her hand over her chest. "You don't mean that, Addison.." Candice hardly whispered, "And stop calling me that! My name is Lyric." Lyric exclaimed with an emotional tone in it, tears now streaming down her face. "I want you to come back with me..I'll explain everything, I promise" Candice said softly.

It was silent for a few seconds while she stared at her, anger and disbelief in her eyes as she scoffed under her breath. "Fuck no." She barely uttered. "Ad-" Candice stopped herself from saying it, sighing out an exhale. "Lyric..I just want you back home." Candice continued, "Please" She pleaded quietly. "I can't go back there, i can't be around the gang and all of the people..I-I can't.." Lyric hesitated to admit this in-front of Troy, "I'll relapse." She hardly croaked. "I can't get into that shit again, I have a daughter who needs me." Lyric sounded absolutely torn up, Troys eyes widening but trying to suppress it when Lyric gave him a glimpse. Relapse?? Do I even know this girl? "You won't have to have anything to do with the gang..fuck Lyric I'll even quit it if that's what will bring you back" Candice admitted. "They'll find me." Lyric hardly said, horrified of even just the thought. "I wont let them find you, Lyric.." Candice said, taking a step towards her. "I'm clean now baby, i can protect you like a mother is supposed to" She stopped, hesitating to say this because she saw Lyric had began crying. "Like I was supposed to that night." Candice barely whispered, Lyric had started sobbing at this point, shaking her head. "Mom stop" Lyric begged, "Please stop.." She barely whispered as her eyes fell closed. Troys look softened when he looked at Lyric, who was brutally sobbing. He stepped a little closer and carefully moved his arm to her waist, making sure it was okay to touch her right now before he pulled her into his arms. Lyric completely broke down in his arms, clinging onto him for dear life..It shocked Troy how vulnerable she had gotten, holding her tighter. "It's okay" Troy whispered reassuringly as he set his head against hers, looking at Candice hesitantly before pressing a kiss into Lyrics hair. "I'm right here" Troy barely whispered into her hair, Candice looked guilty as hell but he didn't know whether or not to care..with the way they spoke to each other, she had to have done some pretty fucked up things. Candice held back tears, shaking her head. "I'm sorry baby..I-I didn't come here to hurt you more. I just wanted you to know that I tried to find you, I did I swear..I-" Lyric interrupted Candice. "Just please leave..they very well could have followed you here. You know what they're capable of." Lyric uttered beggingly, wiping away her tears as she tried not to cry anymore, but they still ran down her cheeks. Candice went to go speak in return but Lyric interrupted again, "Listen when I say this please because I'm only gonna say it once." Lyric began, Candice nodding softly.

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