The Confession

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Sebastian's phone ringing jerked her out of a dead sleep. What was it about him being back in Mew York that made his phone ring like clockwork every morning? Groaning she rolled over, finding herself face to face with him, his eyes closed in sleep, face relaxed. Smiling she gently touched his cheeks, the realization that whatever this was had to end before she got too involved hitting her like a brick. She knew he was only seeking something physical. Something short lived. The entire time she'd known him he hadn't had much luck in the relationship department. Then again, neither had she.

"Hey," she whispered, running her fingertips down the side of his face, watching him slowly start to wake. "Your phone. Answer it before I lose my damn mind."

"I don't fucking want to. Can't I just stay right here with you for fucking once?" He groaned, snatching his phone off the bedside table. "What?" he snapped, pulling her into his chest.

Laughing she pushed away, watching as he pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers, letting out a heavy sigh.

"Yes, Mackie. That's Emma you heard. No, I won't let you in," he grumbled.

"Then I'm going to let him in," she laughed, jumping out of bed.

She ignored his protests as she tossed on a shirt, racing down the hall. The thought of Mackie being on the other side of that door spurring her on. Sure, she'd just seen him a couple weeks ago, but she missed him and Sebastian together, the way the teased each other relentlessly. She threw open the door, a wide smile on her face.

"Emma!" He shouted, stepping inside, kicking the door shut behind him. "Sea Bass mentioned you might be around."

Laughing she wrapped her arms around his chest, hugging him tight. He was the only one that knew she'd had a crush on Sebastian for years. He'd often encouraged her to tell him, but she could never bring herself to do it. She was too scared he'd leave her.

"You heard her on the phone just now, dumb ass," Sebastian's voice sounded from right behind her. He sounded annoyed.

"Coffee coming right up!" She announced, starting towards the kitchen. He could be such a grump sometimes. Coffee usually fixed it, though.

Humming to herself she set about making a pot of coffee, rummaging around in the fridge for something she could whip up real quick for the three of them.

"I have questions," Mackie said, startling her.

"Such as?" she asked, continuing on her quest for food and coffee.

"We'll, the first of which would be why the entire apartment reeks of sex, followed up with why you're wearing his shirt?"

Her heart stopped. Oh, no. She couldn't lie, but God she wanted to. She needed more time to figure this out before he was pestering her. Oh, God.

"It smells like sex in here because I fucked her right where you're standing, Mackie." Sebastian interrupted, not so gracefully saving her from having to think of an appropriate response.

"Sebastian!" She yelled, not meaning to, but it happened. Why the hell would he just blurt that out?

"What? It's true. I'm not lying to one of my best friends because you can't figure your own shit out, Emma."

"Whoa, man. I didn't mean to open this can of worms," Mackie interrupted, putting his hands up in surrender. "Sea Bass, you better fix what you just broke. I'll be in the living room."

With that Mackie left, leaving her and Sebastian alone, tears in her eyes. What the fuck did Sebastian mean by that? Why was he being so rude?

"What the fuck do you mean by that?" she asked through gritted teeth, her hand balling into a fist by her side.

"Exactly what I said, Emma. You're hot and cold. One second we're finally getting somewhere, then the next you're fucking closed off. We have fucking fantastic sex, then you want me to tell everyone we're just friends, and no, we haven't finally fucking crossed that line?!" There was no anger in his voice. Just pain. And that's when it hit her. She needed to be honest with him, right here, right now.

"Sebastian," she stepped towards him, taking his hand in hers. "I didn't plan for any of this. I don't know what's happening. I've had a fucking crush on you for 11 fucking years, just fine with being the best friend, nothing more, the. You show up on my doorstep, and you're kissing me, and fucking me, and I- I don't want to stop, but I think we probably should. I can't fucking lose you, too, and that's where this is heading. I'm already getting too attached, and  you'll never feel the same. So, it has to stop."

Time stood still as he let her words sink in, the realization dawning on his face. Without a word he pulled her to him, tipping her face up to his.

"I've been such a fucking idiot."

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