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"So...Zeus didn't bring me here...Artemis doesn't know anything about it...Rhea's alive...Ares was possessed... and your... powers are taking other gods powers?" she rubbed her temple all these questions escaping her.

James scratched the nape of his neck awkwardly.

" I...I'm  not quite sure I'm the one to ask, Tal. " he said.

She looked into his eyes and saw questions of his own swirling there.

She sighed.

" I...I'm sorry...I had no right to drag you into this. This wasn't your fight...It...isn't." she said, regrets and guilt overflowing her.

He frowned and sat next to her, a worried look on his eyes as she had turned away from him.

" into this mess somehow...and brought you with me. It's unfair and stupid and cruel of me...I.."her worlds got more fiery and angry, an anger that she felt only towards herself.

He looked lazily at his hands, his thoughts coating his fingertips with a black color again.

His hands started shaking.

" James. "her voice, gentle as ever, brought him back to the present.

" I...I'm not sure what to do with these that I've discovered them...I..."his confession was lost again as more of his thoughts drowned his mind.

" We can get rid of it. " she said, looking straight into his eyes.

She got up suddenly again and started pacing around the room.

" I'll talk to Artemis, even Zeus. I'm not scared of him...maybe even Hermes can help...Athena...I c—"

"I don't know if I want to get rid of them.." he interrupted, eyes closed in fear of her reaction.

She didn't say anything. Not for a long while.

He opened his eyes slowly, a frown on his face.

He almost didn't look at her afraid to see the disappointment in her eyes.

But he did, he only saw a  soft smile.

"I understand. have all the time to figure it out. I...I'll return to earth. I don't think you need me anymore." she murmured placing a hand on his shoulder.

She went to leave but he caught her by the wrist.

"I...You don't have to leave. This is as much my story as it is yours. You...have a lot of questions...maybe it's time to find some answers." he shrugged, looking at her hopefully.

Her eyes widened a bit at the wisdom he was showing before she softly nodded and chuckled.

" Are you sure you're okay? You're getting smarter..."she joked ruffling his hair and he rolled his eyes pushing her hands away with a smile.

She chuckled at him and he looked at her questionably.

"'ll stay? "he asked, uncertain.

She smirked.

" I'll stay. " she affirmed.

He smiled with a nod before walking away leaving to watch as he walked away.

She sighed and made sure he was gone before going the other.

She couldn't stay, not with all of this confusion in her head.

Not letting herself get lost in her thoughts she went the opposite way from James, trying to find the exit.

She walked for a long time, getting lost in the halls, until a familiar voice caught her attention.

"Did you bring her?" a deep voice asked.

"I did father, she's here, and the kid. Everything goes according to plan." another responded.

Tal frowned, she recognized that voice. It was Aries's voice.

"Does she know? About her powers? Her true lineage?" he asked, Zeus she quickly concluded.

There was a sound and she could tell that Aries was playing with his knives or better yet the knives he had given her.

She could recognize that chilling sound everywhere.

" She doesn't. Not yet. "he answered, semi-distracted.

" Good. I don't believe she's ready. " Zeus said his steps echoing in the room.

Her heartbeat fastened.

" But you do know..." his voice got lower and Tal could tell that he had leaned down to whisper in his son's ear.

"That when the time comes...we will need her on our side." he said, manipulation seething from his tone.

"Yes, father." Aries said. "I have her under control. She won't object much even if she is against us. I've made sure of that." he said, his tone serious.

Tal frowned. Her mind searching for an answer of how and why and maybe a lie in his tone.

Her breath quickened along with her heartbeat.

" I expected nothing less of you, son. I'm proud. "he said giving him a pat on the shoulder.

" You may leave. We will continue our talk of plans later. "he said, dismissing him.

Tal felt that was her cue to leave. She wasn't going to be part of that plan not if she could help it. But his betrayal run thick in her mind.

She recalled all the kisses all the talks, all the hugs, the touch.

How could he?


What powers?

Why did she always have to end up with a million questions in her head?



She looked up at him, her back stuck to the wall, not having moved at all.

Aries tilted his head analyzing her trying to understand what was wrong with her.

He took a step closer to her and she moved away.

One thing that she could never do was lie.

And so he saw through her.

His mask of worry dropped.

"You know...don't you?" he asked, grabbing her chin harshly and lifting it so she could see his cruel glare.

Harsh footsteps echoed behind him and she stilled completely.

"Hmm...I guess the plan won't have to wait long."Zeus said with a sinister smile.

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