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Y/n was looking after Jim's house cause he is a drug dealer, Jim was going to supply drugs to some customers.

Jim's pov

I got back from the work I had to do, I am really scared because I hid some cocaine in my house and Y/n was looking after it.

As I reached my home, i knocked at the door a few times, after that Y/n opened the door.

She looked weirdly excited and somehow seems like she's probably high but I just shrugged off.

''Jim, you can thank me later but I just saved your life!'' She said excitedly, ''How so?''

''So the police came to your house for checking-'' I cut her off, ''Oh God-'' but Y/n cut me off ''Don't worry, I changed the sosaine with powered sugar''

''What did you do with the actual stuff?''

''The sosaine?''

''Yeah so-so-''

''Oh I put it in the air conditioner!'' Y/n said jumping around like an excited kid

''Thank God wait-'' I looked at Y/n realizing that she have been inhaling the cocaine.

''Y/n sit down'' I said as I brought her to the sofa and set her down.

End of pov

After Jim had took out the cocaine from the air conditioner, he looked at the sofa but Y/n wasn't there, the front door was opened too.

''Fuck!'' Jim mumbled under his breath.

Sorry for not updating, a bone got stuck in my dog's throat and she couldn't breathe, I was panicking and started crying until my eyes are puffy and please understand me if I don't update in the future.

This joke is from themariamgeorge from Instagram

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