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Natasha pov

Y/n and her sister, Luci came, I was so happy when they came even though I didn't show it.

''Nat, what do you think of mud?'' Y/n asked me a really weird question which I'm used to it.

''Mud are mud'' I said ''I just watch Peppa pig and they are saying that jumping on muddy puddles is fun'' she replied ''Don't listen to their shit'' she nodded ''Anygays I've been thinking of murdering people who gets on my nerve'' she said, I don't know what is going on this girl's brain.

''Ohh a butterfly'' she got distracted before I could even reply.

''I forgot what I was trying to say'' she said ''I'll go continue watching peppa and try remembering it'' she left.

It's great that Y/n came here, usually it's quiet here but now it's full of chaos.
Pietro here is running around, Wanda is watching peppa with Y/n, Thor and Loki went to Asgard.

Clint is probably visiting his family, Tony and Bruce doing their own shit, Sam, Bucky and Luci is bickering about sheeps.

I went to Y/n and sit next to her, I pull her close to me and we watch the awful cartoon.

Normally I wouldn't like physical touch but with Y/n, it's different, she doesn't even know what she's doing to me.

''I don't want to watch it anymore'' Y/n said, she got up, Luci came and watch the show.

I followed Y/n to see she was eating popcorn while watching Steve, Bucky and Sam argue.

''AYY! THREESOME!'' she commented

Sam eye twitches, ''What did you just said?''

''Uh...somersault'' she blurt out, ''No you said, threesome''

''Why are you even asking me if you know what I'm saying?'' She asked

''Guys what is threesome?'' Steve asked, Bucky look curious too, ''Three people having sex'' I said

Cap look disgusted, while Bucky just shrugged.

''I'm gonna chase your ass'' Sam said and chase Y/n.

Y/n throw the popcorn at him and ran.

I wouldn't be surprised if Sam came out groaning and clutching his area.

I sighed as I watch the scene.

Guys short chapter sorry but my school is near so...if I can update I will, don't worry.

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