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Just got back from my math tuition.😟

My face is burning as if someone lit me on fire, I'm so flustered right now, Nat seems fine, though I've noticed abit of light pink colour on her cheeks.

This is a rare sight, Nat is being quite awkward, ''I-well- I hope you- uh- didn't mind it'' she stuttered, I stood there, amused by her behaviour.

''Well I totally didn't mind it Sasha'' I said while fiddling with my fingers, my anxiety is happy to be back.

Nat smiled ''I think it's time I say it'' is she trying to break up with me?

''I really like you Y/n, this might ruin the friendship we have if you don't like me back but it's been eating me alive, so I had to get this off my chest'' she exhaled, I didn't know she hold her breath.

I smiled ''I think its time for me to say it too, I also like you alot Nat, you've been on my mind for 24/7'' I laughed.

''I didn't know I had a strong feelings towards you until I got kept hostage, that's when I know I really like you'' She quickly pull me in for a hug.

I hugged her back too. I feel safe for the first time in a while.

I only felt safe in Jim's arms and now Natasha.
This feels surreal, I don't know if this is right or wrong but I don't want to know it. I didn't even know I needed this, I'm glad I decided to text a bunch of random numbers because I was bored.

We pulled away and Nat kissed my forehead. I melt into her touch.

I know this is a short chapter, I'm sorry but I'm really sleepy and I have to go to school tomorrow

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