Chapter 64: Horror Skewers (19)

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[There is a basement!]

[I'm so confused. How did he think about it?]

[Smashing glass or not smashing glass. I don't seem to understand it.]

[Whatever. Just follow Boss Chi and it will be over.]

[This movie is too terrible.]

[I seem to understand. This movie is about the opposite rules, eternal contradictions and harmful mindsets.]

[The clue is 'a clever person might become the victim of their own ingenuity'. The question is that I'm not smart and don't know if I'm being smart or not. To put it bluntly, I still have to be smart. I'm dizzy.]

[No matryoshka dolls!]

[This should be the most critical part, right?]

"Xiao Chi, I'm going down," Xie Xinglan stated.


Xie Xinglan wrapped the clothes around his hands, held the edge of the sharply broken foggy glass and lowered his body. He spotted a place to fall and landed on a wooden table covered with leather and dust.

The basement was extremely dark and the temperature was extremely low. The smell was musty and fishy. Xie Xinglan waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. He touched the wall and fumbled for a while before finding the old-fashioned light switch. He gently pulled it down and the basement lit up with a dim light.

The basement was small, messy and dirty. Xie Xinglan immediately saw the rows of bodies on both sides of the basement. The dead bodies were leaning against the wall, the heads tilted up and their eyes staring in a dark and hollow manner. It was like a whirlpool of death.

They had been dead for a long time but due to the low temperature of the basement, they didn't rot. They were lined up neatly. They should be the source of the bloody smell.

Xie Xinglan didn't go over and instead looked at the coffin in the centre of the basement. This coffin was different. It wasn't black or red but was transparent. Xie Xinglan could clearly see the individual lying in the coffin.

"Crystal coffin?" Xie Xinglan frowned.

"Let's take a look," Xie Chi told him.

Xie Xinglan avoided the debris under his feet and walked to the coffin. He touched the wall of the coffin. "Glass."

It might be a closed glass coffin but it achieved the same effect as a crystal coffin. The human corpse in the glass coffin was well preserved and there were no signs of decay. Xie Xinglan went to see the face of the corpse and Xie Chi was shocked.

This was a faceless man. His facial contours were deformed and his skin and flesh were glued together. The upper eyelid and lower eyelid grew together and there were no slits. The position of the nose was sunken and there were only two holes at the bottom. His mouth was crooked and his lower jaw protruded like a balcony.

This face was creepy to look at and his back became cold.

Xie Chi rummaged through his memory. "He should be a patient with the Treacher Collins syndrome."

The Treacher Collins syndrome was a disease caused by chromosomal mutations. These people had congenital deformities on their face and often had problems with their jaw bones and facial features confusion. In some serious cases, they might not even have eyes or a nose.

Xie Xinglan thought about it. "Is this the body of the strong ghost?"

Xie Chi was silent and seemed to be immersed in his thoughts.

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