Chapter 154: Tarot Game (4)

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Everyone looked solemn after hearing the rules. From the beginning of the movie to the present, there was too much information. They couldn’t tell which of the information given was valid or not. They were currently extremely passive and could only take one step at a time.

The maid in black clothing made a gesture to ask if everyone understood the rules. After getting a positive answer, she didn’t take everyone to see the owner of the castle as she said. Instead, she gestured to everyone to ‘wait’ and headed toward a table not far away.

At the table, a maid in the same black clothing was waiting for her. The maid at the table had snowy skin, black and shiny hair and her facial features were deep and charming. She should be the most outstanding one among all the servants. Compared with her, the servant standing opposite her looked inferior and gloomy.

Due to her outstanding appearance, Xie Chi had an impression of the maid. She wasn’t among the three servants who fed the crows before but came out with the other servants when the castle door opened.

As the crows performed, she stood behind the maid who led them and was in the second position. If Xie Chi remembered correctly, the crow in her hand should’ve flown to the female cannon fodder.

Everyone waited. The maid who led the way and the beautiful maid exchanged a few hand gestures and the beautiful maid left.

Jiang Shuo stared for a moment. His eyes flickered and became dark.

The maid leading the way came back and led them upstairs to see the master. The group followed behind the maid.

The castle they were in had a huge internal space, light colored walls and stone floors. The decorations might be retro or the castle itself was old. Everything inside the castle had a sense of age. There were no fluorescent lights in the castle, only three pronged candle wall lights. The brightness was worrying. The color of the castle was red-black and the furniture and carpet were all similar colors, giving people a heavy and dull feeling.

Xie Chi watched the entire way and found that the castle had many identical rooms but all the doors were unlocked.

The maid had previously mentioned that they shouldn’t enter any room with a lock on the door without permission. In other words, such rooms definitely existed but they weren’t where they had walked through so far. Once free movement was allowed, he had to determine the location. Xie Chi had never liked following the rules but he didn’t want to blindly break them. He didn’t need to go in but he needed to know the location.

As Xie Chi lowered his head in thought, Jiang Shuo in front was communicating with the maid using gestures.

Ren Ze stared for a moment before whispering to Xie Chi, “Does Jiang Shuo know sign language?”

Xie Chi glanced at them. “Yes.”

“Do you understand?” Ren Ze was a bit worried that Jiang Shuo would use the advantage of sign language to get information they didn’t know first.

Xie Chi simply shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

Ren Ze was feeling a bit nervous and anxious when Xie Chi said, “Still, I know what he probably asked.”

Ren Ze was stunned.

“The maid can never say key information so he probably asked about the beautiful maid who appeared just now. If he can understand sign language, he will naturally know that the two maids had communicated with sign language. He might’ve found something strange so he decided to ask about the identity of the maid.”

Ren Ze’s expression was tense. “What did he find?”

Xie Chi smiled. “How would I know?”

Ren Ze remembered that Xie Chi couldn’t read minds and couldn’t help feeling a bit embarrassed. He always regarded Xie Chi as omnipotent.

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