Chapter 128: Hospital (9)

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Xie Chi felt the moonlight on him had become redder. He turned and looked up, staring at the red moon for a few seconds with a slight frown. He always felt that the changes in the red and white moons, including the red and white clouds in the sky, suggested something that made him fairly disturbed.

He no longer stayed still and walked quickly to the ward. If he ran then he would appear too deliberate. If he was noticed by the actors then he might be followed. Therefore, although he was in a hurry at the moment, he could only pretend to be calm.

Ren Ze asked as he followed, “Xie Chi, your role has a son. Do you think there is an actor who is your future son?”

“It isn’t important.”

Ren Ze was stunned before immediately realizing. “Yes, you don’t need to protect your son. His death won’t affect you.”

Ren Ze found out that this was one of the basic rules of the movie. Children had to protect their parents because if a parent died, their children would disappear. However, parents didn’t need to protect the children.

“Don’t you want to reveal the news and find your son? Multiple people might rush to protect you…”

Ren Ze expressed his thoughts.

“No, it is troublesome and there is no time.” Xie Chi paused. “I’m also afraid Xie Yang is my son.”


[Pfft, fuck. The conclusion is painful but it is very likely!]

Ren Ze was taken aback. “Yes… he is also surnamed Xie. If an actor really is your son then Xie Yang is the most likely one.”

Xie Chi felt that looking for his son was inefficient. He could expose too much information and there might not even be his son among the actors. The key information might be revealed in the end but he hadn’t found his son yet. It was boring to pin his hopes on others and Xie Chi hated it. Besides, there were so many actors. Two of them were dead and there were 10 left. The probability that his son’s standard would be very poor wasn’t small. He might even be a cannon fodder.

Xie Chi had more important things to do now.

Fortunately, in order to reduce the difficulty, the app set at the beginning that the actors couldn’t do anything to the NPCs. Otherwise things would become more complicated.

Xie Chi and Ren Ze rushed back to Ye Lan’s room and found Ye Xiaoxiao.

“You’re back?” Ye Xiaoxiao was pleasantly surprised. Then she randomly reacted to Ye Lan sleeping soundly on the hospital bed and immediately lowered her voice.

Xie Chi nodded. Ye Xiaoxiao probably had nothing to do in the middle so she came to chat with Ye Lan to understand her character setting. He pressed the switch on the wall and found there was no response.

The room was dark. Ren Ze looked around. “Where is Uncle He?”

Ye Xiaoxiao said, “He went to buy water.”

Xie Chi found that she was standing in front of a long mirror. “What are you looking at?”

Ye Xiaoxiao was a bit embarrassed. “I thought that since you weren’t here, I would take a look at my stretch marks. I actually didn’t see the specific situation too clearly before. After all, I have been with Uncle He and was a bit embarrassed…”

Xie Chi nodded to express his understanding. Men and women were different. Ye Xiaoxiao was still young and it was normal.

“Is it done?”

Ye Xiaoxiao lowered her head and hesitated awkwardly. “Yes, I found…”

Xie Chi’s gaze fell behind Ye Xiaoxiao.

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