Chapter 95: 1552 Haunted House (27)

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The younger sister lied to Xie Chi. In the memories that the younger sister gave to Xie Chi, the two sisters were close, regardless of 'you and me'. However, in the real events, the relationship between older sister and younger sister was like water and fire.

The older sister was withdrawn and indifferent by nature while the younger sister was gentle and lovely. Naturally, their parents preferred the younger sister and this exacerbated the jealousy of the older sister. The older sister hated her sister and pushed her sister around or blatantly cursed her. The younger sister was gentle and tolerant on the surface to gain the praise and preference of her parents, while she secretly played tricks on the older sister.

The two of them grew up disgusted with each other until the night their dog died. The older sister pushed her awake and went downstairs to the garage. The older sister walked to the dog's corpse and bit straight down with a beastly look in her eyes.

The younger sister was shocked and screamed for her parents. Once their parents arrived, the younger sister was crying from fright. It was because she watched her older sister eat and couldn't help drooling. Her saliva was secreted so vigorously that within a short time, saliva flowed to the corners of her mouth.

The younger sister was frightened by her strange reaction. Before their parents came, the younger sister secretly wiped her saliva and accused the older sister of a devil's behavior in front of their parents. Their parents scolded the older sister and in this scene, the older sister's resentful eyes were shocking.

"You and I are the same type of person." The older sister spoke coldly. These words seemed to be a terrible prophecy. The younger sister was afraid and desperately said it was impossible.

Yet not long after this, the younger sister was defeated by instincts and joined her older sister. Unlike her sister, she avoided her parents every time she ate. There was her older sister and the younger sister knew how to express herself as a child to please her parents and fight for their favor.

Later, the sisters were both enemies and partners. They worked together to trick, kill and eat the bodies of the deceived.

One day, the parents finally discovered the evil of the older sister's cannibalism. The younger sister successfully removed any suspicion because of her good and docile behavior. She became an innocent victim who was coerced.

The older sister exposed the younger sister's evil deeds but the younger sister refused to admit it. She said that her older sister was slandering her. Their relationship had always been bad and there was no evidence to prove the younger sister also ate human flesh. How could their parents believe the older sister?

The terrified parents worked together privately, ready to perform an operation on the sisters so they could separate. Then they would send the older sister to prison and take the younger sister away. The operation was successfully completed. On the night they were discharged from hospital, a fight broke out. The older sister killed their parents and ate them.

The younger sister saw it all and ran away.

The older sister conducted various investigations and finally found her younger sister. She decided to kidnap and kill the younger sister who was pregnant at the time. Her younger sister had a pleasing personality and many admirers. She was accustomed to hiding and deceiving. No one knew her past and her terrifying hobby.

The younger sister's abnormal eating habit wasn't as severe as her older sister and she could basically control it. She got married and started again, but her older sister dragged her back into the abyss.

The older sister finally got revenge. She asked the chef to make delicacies from her younger sister's organs and the baby in her belly. She happily enjoyed the meal. Then she feared the younger sister's body would be found and hid the body in the wall.

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