Chapter 90.1: 1552 Haunted House (22)

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The napping Ren Ze also woke up. He leaped up and looked at Lu Wen, as anxious as a grasshopper on a hot pan. "This is... the iron plate turtle?"

"Yes." Xie Chi didn't raise his head as he checked Lu Wen's body.

At dinner, XIe Chi tasted every dish in order to let the turtle take the initiative to find him. Ren Ze and Lu Wen had followed him and did the same thing. Now seeing Lu Wen's symptoms, the turtle had picked Lu Wen out of the three.

Lu Wen's pained cries were stuck in his throat. His entire face was flushed with heat and he was suffocating. He rolled around on the bed and white steam leaked from his body, making Xie Chi's hand red.

"What to do?" Ren Ze looked at Xie Chi anxiously.

Xie Chi instantly made a decision. "Take him to the bathroom."

The two people carried him in and stuffed him into the bathtub. Ren Ze opened the tap and sprayed water on Lu Wen.

The ice-cold water sprayed on Lu Wen's body and evaporated directly into water vapor. There was the faint hissing sound of the hot and cold combination around Lu Wen's body, like the water in a pot drying up.

Lu Wen's skin was as red as a soldering iron and the water in his body was evaporating by the high temperature. His skin was shriveling.

"Hot..." Lu Wen's mouth was dry and cracked like dry earth. He felt like he was about to be cooked.

Xie Chi took out a large basin from under the sink and turned the tap to the maximum while pouring water on Lu Wen. They had no choice but to do this. The key to slow down the cooking of food was cold water. After seven or eight minutes, both of them were sweating profusely but Lu Wen didn't get better.

Xie Chi's face was gloomy. "Ren Ze, come and change with me. This method treats the symptoms but not the root cause. He can't hold on."


Xie Chi spoke in his heart, "Brother, check if there is anything foreign on him."


Xie Chi asked Xie Xinglan to come out. Xie Xinglan walked over. He had excellent vision and carefully checked Lu Wen's skin. The scales on Lu Wen's skin were now soft and transparent. Xie Xinglan only needed to scan it once and he easily saw a small protrusion under a scale.

"Hold on," Xie Xinglan told him.

Lu Wen gritted his teeth. "Yes."

Xie Xinglan inserted the Evil Spirit Blade into the skin without hesitation. Lu Wen's skin was very hard and great resistance was felt despite the sharpness of the Evil Spirit Blade. Lu Wen paled at this intense pain and almost fainted.

For the first time, he hated that he had such thick skin. Finally, Xie Xinglan found what he was looking for in Lu Wen's flesh. He picked it up with the tip of the blade and pulled it out little by little. Lu Wen was already numb and couldn't feel the pain anymore.

The thing that came out was a bloody rope. At the end of the rope was a turtle shaped brand with the words: iron plate turtle. The moment the brand came out, the high temperature of Lu Wen's body abruptly disappeared and his face gradually returned to normal. It was this thing that created the ghost. He wasn't in danger after it was gone.

Ren Ze was sitting by the bathtub and sweating. He was still afraid for a while. "Thankfully, Lu Wen's skin is thick and resistant to cooking. If it was me then I would already be thoroughly cooked."

After confirming that Lu Wen was okay, Ren Ze helped bandage his wound while Xie Xinglan returned control of the body to Xie Chi.

"I'm fine." Lu Wen spoke with difficulty after receiving Xie Chi's questioning gaze. "I will recover soon."

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