Chapter 165: Tarot Game (15)

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[Fuck, it is going to be a fight!!]

[No!! Don’t do it wu wu wu!!]

[Fuck, this time they are meeting and will decide it.]

Jiang Shuo’s actions were almost simultaneous. Two black arrows shot at Xie Xinglan as fast as lightning. Xie Xinglan had been prepared for a long time. He raised his sword to block and retreated. Jiang Shuo placed the ghost skin over his face and his skin became very pale. At the same time, his strength soared.

The ghostly atmosphere was everywhere. The surrounding temperature dropped sharply and even the sky seemed darker. The ghost energy was like a maggot. The moment it spread, it followed the air and penetrated into Xie Xinglan’s pores. The gloomy energy rushed into the hot blood and the internal organs started to feel dense and painful.

Blood surged to Xie Xinglan’s face and his movements became slightly slow. The veins in his hand holding the Blood Demon Sword bulged. He didn’t say a word. As he resisted the swift attacks in front of him, he quickly communicated with Xie Chi.

“Brother, look for the crows. Just look for one!”

In his mind, the speed of Xie Chi’s speech was amazingly fast but there were no traces of panic. He was just calm. Xie Xinglan understood. Just drag it out without fighting. He retreated quickly, running in the corridor and quickly switching rooms to look for crows at the window.

Behind him was Jiang Shuo. Jiang Shuo used the ghost skin item and was as fast as a ghost. He chased the entire way. Xie Xinglan avoided it several times but his back became wounded.

Jiang Shuo felt a bit of surprise. In the brief exchange, Xie Xinglan’s skill was even better than Shen Yi but the degree of physical strengthening couldn’t be compared to Shen Yi. For him, Shen Yi was more worthy of attention. After all, no matter how good Xie Xinglan’s skills were, he could only dodge and he was unable to hurt Jiang Shuo at all. He had the Void Crossbow and wasn’t afraid of long-range combat. The Blood Demon Sword had changed its master and could only show 60% of its original strength. Now it was far inferior to the Void Crossbow.

In just a few dozens of seconds, the third floor was already a mess. There were marks of fighting everywhere. Black arrows scattered on the ground with some arrows stained with blood.

The actors who recovered from their shock quickly stayed away out of fear of bringing disaster to themselves. Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao came one step later and saw this scene with horror. Ye Xiaoxiao had powerful items on her body and was about to step forward to help when she was stopped by Gu Yu.

Ren Ze was going to push him away when Gu Yu threatened them with a sneer, “If you want to participate in the organization’s internal disposal of waste then don’t blame me for being impolite.”

It would take some time at most for a peak first-tier actor to handle a second and third tier actor. It was just that he didn’t have the right items. He would be punished by the app if he acted directly against the actors so he didn’t want to do it unless necessary.

Ren Ze was furious for a moment. “You fucking…”

Ren Ze was blocked and dragged away by Ye Xiaoxiao. Gu Yu smiled with satisfaction and turned to the other actors who were pretending to be deaf and mute. “What about you? Did you hear it?”

The actors nodded silently while controlling their expressions.

Countless black arrows were being fired again. As he heard the sound of them cutting through wind, Ren Ze was anxious and angry and his eyes turned red. Ren Ze was principled. If someone saved his life then he would do everything he could to repay them.

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