CHR4/CH4-Rowena is Named, and Love is Remembered

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Some days after, when their evening meal had been cleared away, and the children were in their beds, the three of them sat, as they had so often done, by the parlour fire. It was not an especially cold night, and the fire was not quite warranted, but Auriel had requested it, and she now sat staring into the flames.

Aunt Gwyneth was already asleep in her chair, and the room was silent, safe for the crackling of the logs as they burned bright in the hearth.

He watched his girl for a while, noting that her whilst hair was still short, it was growing apace. It had returned to its vibrant red, and was already framing her face. Any scars that remained were now well hidden 'neath the auburn curls, and if it were not for the small edge of the scar between her breasts, which still showed above the bodice of her gown, there was now little visible sign, should she be fully clothed, of the terrible attack she had endured.

"Walk with me sweet girl," he said, " there is yet an hour until sunset, we will watch it together."

She smiled, and took his hand, clasping his fingers tight with her own.

"Will there be nightingales?" she asked looking up at him, "I remember the nightingales."

"There might very well be my love," he replied, "but in truth I just want the company of a beautiful woman, kiss me sweet girl, before the light dies and I am unable to see you."

Although not deliberately seeking to read her thoughts, the clarity of them, just in that moment, shook him to his core. Her mind contained little but images of him, and loving moments that they had shared through the years.

There was happiness, loss, and a little despair, but mostly love of the purest kind, and he pulled her close in gratitude for what she had revealed to him, though she was unaware of it.

"You love me," he said, " I can see it clearly in your thoughts, and it is still wondrous to me."

"Of course I do, " she said softly, "for have I not told you that you are the world to me? You are my life's breath, and it grieves me that the memory of it was stolen from me for a while."

Then, for a moment he saw fear, it was fleeting, but it had been there, written clear on her face.

"What it is sweetheart, what frightens you so?"

"I fear the return of forgetfulness, " she said, "to feel again the warmth of our shared love and passion, and then perhaps lose it again, is more than I could bear. Dear God, the memory of it could leave me and I would not even know it!"

"I will always be here to remind you sweet girl," he said.

The lingered by the river, but he guided her away from the two small graves that held the boys she had lost, fearing that the memory of the sadness would overwhelm her. Then they wandered further across the meadows, Guy to look at his livestock, and she for the pure joy of watching him. Her gaze was so intense that he stopped and stood in front of her.

"What do you see beautiful lady?" he asked.

"I see what I want always to see, " she replied, " the one I love most in all the world, and close enough by me to touch, the very same man that I fell in love with, not once, but twice. There have been times, when you were not in my sight, that your face strayed from my mind for while, but now it remains, and it brings such joy."

Then she said, "Just one thing remains to make this day perfect, I have not felt your kiss since you left for your work before noon today, if you can spare the time, I would feel it once more."

"Always, my darling, " he said, " you enchant me as you always do, step a little closer and I will try to give it my best efforts."

The kiss was almost endless, but neither of them seemed willing to end it,  then Guy pulled away, though a little regretfully.

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