Chapter 1 - Halfway Back To Normal

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I would just like to point out that the pictures for the holomatter avatars in the book "Transformers In Between" so if you guys want a reference to what they look like go check it out.


Earth. Birthplace of the human race, a species much like our own. Capable of great compassion... and great violence. For in our quest to protect the humans, a deeper revelation dawns; our worlds have met before. For the last two years, an advanced team of new Autobots has taken refuge here under my command. Together, we form an alliance with the humans, a secret but brave squad of soldiers. A classified strike team called NEST. We hunt for what remains of our Decepticon foes, hiding in different countries around the globe.


Alex breathed harshly as she felt the pressure around her close in around her, crushing her and forcing her to collapse to her knees. She gritted her teeth when the burning in her shoulder only grew and grew. Normally the burning only lasted for a minute or two, but this time it seemed to last forever, never cooling down or stopping for a second. In fact it only seemed to grow stronger and spread faster through her body.

"The Fallen shall rise again!" a loud and glitching voice echoed in the black space around her.

"The...Fallen?" Alex murmured under her breath as she slowly lifted her head. As if gravity was slamming down on her back, her head was slammed back down to the floor, pinning her entire body to the floor. She grunted through gritted teeth as she tried with all her might to push back against the force holding her down.

Weird sounds seemed to echo into her ears. Ones that she thought she could recognize only for them to have that ringing edge of mystery to them. She could hear voices of another language shouting, the tension in the air suffocating her as she felt as though her body was going to fall apart.

A burst of flames sprouted around her, forming a giant tornado, lighting up the darkness and forming a pillar for all to see. All gasped for breath when she felt the pressure of her back, her muscles aching when she quickly pushed herself up. She looked up just as the pillar of fire disappeared from around her, fading to small sparks and then into nothing.

"..." Alex looked behind her at the voice she couldn't understand for the life of her, only to stumble when she caught sight of six towering figures that looked down at her. She flickered her gaze over all of them, coming to a stop on the one in front of her, a sense of familiarity struck her as two perfect spheres of blue peered down at her.

"The Fallen shall rise when the Risen has fallen." the words rumbled gently into her ears before a chill went down her overheated body. She slowly turned around as a presence made itself known to her.

Deeper in the shadows of darkness, a weak metallic frame laid on an old metallic throne of sorts. The human watched as a puff of cold air escaped him, his frills sputtering as his optics seemed to online for a moment.

"A bearer has been chosen." he voiced with a weak tilt of his helm.

Cold red optics met with fiery green orbs.


Alex snapped her eyes open. Her green orbs stared up at the familiar white ceiling of her room before the woman sat up, taking in the setting of her room. Alex let out a deep breath before she held her head with her hand, brushing a thumb over her temple. She closed her eyes as she tried to calm the fast beating organ in her chest, slowly humming to herself when the organ returned to its steady human beating. She let out another deep breath as she slumped back onto her bed, the back of her left hand on top of her forehead as she stared out into a daze up at the ceiling.

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