Chapter 10 - When Fates Were Intertwined

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"Okay, let's go over it again." Alex rolled her eyes when she heard her brother speak up through the comms. The four Autobots were racing towards the Dagger's Tip, trying to get there as soon as possible before the Decepticons caught up to them. "When the dawn alights the Dagger's Tip, the Three Kings...will reveal the doorway." Sam recited as he went over what Jetfire had told the humans.

"That's what he said." Simmons confirmed as he nodded his head. "You know what it means?" he asked as Sam looked up from the road to the older male.

"No, what does it mean?" the boy asked with confusion and honesty.

"I have no idea." Simmons answered with just as much confusion as Sam. "Alex? Got anything from that?" he asked as he looked up at the silver car in front of the Camaro.

"Nope, but you know what I do see?" Alex leaned back into her seat as she tightened her grip on the steering wheel. "A Roadblock." she claimed as she saw a bunch of humans wearing uniforms in front of her.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God." Leo panicked as the Camaro pulled in behind the silver Pontiac, the Checkpoint barrier stopping any of them from going through.

"Hat." Jazz muttered quietly as he opened his compartment, holding a familiar green sports cap. Alex carefully grabbed the hat and put it on, making sure to keep some of her down to cover her eyes and hide her face.

"Checkpoint. Checkpoint." Leo repeated as he looked out the window at the soldiers. "I don't have my passport." he quickly explained as Alex blew out some air as she moved her right hand off the wheel. The Pontiac's gear stick shifted down into her waiting palm, the two waiting.

"Passport!" the administrator of the Checkpoint demanded as he looked down at the four brightly coloured cars.

"They got cameras at the top." Sam pointed out as he looked up at the cameras that were zooming in on all the cars.

"Well don't look then." Alex replied quietly as she kept her gaze away from the camera, her shoulders tensing as Jazz's seat belt tightened slightly.

"Alright, chill. This is espionage now. I can handle it." Alex heard Simmons say through the comms as he tried calming everyone. "These are my people. I'm one-thirty-sixth Arab." he claimed as Alex closed her eyes before she looked over to the side with a deadpan expression.

"We're dead." she mumbled under her breath before she leaned her head back into her seat. Alex watched as the administrator walked down the wooden steps of his post and that's when she realised she had to look down slightly to meet his eye level.

"Great, a fricking Munchkin. Little people are mean." the redhead bit the inside of her cheek at the mini con's words.

'Can't confirm nor deny that fact.' Alex commented nonchalantly in her head.

"Tell him he's tall." Alex shook her head slightly before she watched the administrator walk around Jazz and over to his right side, where he ran finger down his side and over his paint. The redhead tightened her grip on the wheel as the administrator stopped in front of the passenger window, her Guardian biting down on his servo from the urge to shiver at the disgusting feeling of his sensitive doors.

Bumblebee rolled down his passenger window letting Simmons poke his head out before the Spitfire redhead did something to the administrator.

"The Dagger's Tip? Right Egypt, Jordan." Simmons spoke up catching the small man's attention as he turned away from the Pontiac and the driver. The administrator walked over to the Camaro and stood in front of the window. "We want to go there. Me and my family. This is my family. This is my son, my other son, my daughter." he lied as he pointed to the three people in the car with him. "The one in the front? That's my other daughter." Simmons pointed over to the silver Pontiac, where Alex was listening in through the comms. "We're tourists, from New York." the eldest of the group lied once more.

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