Chapter 7 - A Lead And - Oh God

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Night had fallen and a small campfire was made in the middle of the opening. The four Autobots sat around it with the three humans closer to the flames. Alex sat in front of Jazz, leaning against his pede as he sat behind her with one leg propped up. The SIC pulled his visor up as he looked down at the human femme in front of him, noticing her silence, which unnerved him if he were honest.

"Don't beat yaself up, Spitfire." Jazz gently moved his pede, nudging her the tiniest bit. Alex lifted her head slightly, tilting her head over her shoulder just enough for Jazz to know she was listening. "Boss wouldn't want ya to feel bad about this." he pointed out honestly with a tilt of his helm. He could see Alex's jaw tense at his words before she let out a low hum and looked back down at the flame.

"Jazz do you know what 'Bearer' is?" she asked suddenly. Jazz raised an optic ridge at her words, humming at the unfamiliar word.

"Not a clue." he answered honestly. "Why? Did it pop up in one of ya wild nights?" the first-lieutenant let a satisfied smirk crawl onto his faceplate when he heard his Charge chuff at his words.

"Yeah, and Megabitch called me it." Alex answered as she leaned her head back, hitting it lightly against the silver metal behind her. "And I'm guessing my dreams are tied with the symbols Sam has been seeing since, Lord of Being-A-Pain-In-My-Ass asked me if I had heard them before." she explained as she thought back on what the revived Decepticon had told her.

"If I had to guess, the Fallen told him something." Jazz guessed as he tried to figure out what the title meant. Though anything with the symbols Sam had was before him and his teammates so he hadn't the faintest clue on what they meant. And if that was the case, then this 'Bearer' was probably before his time as well.

"Bee, if you hate me, I understand." the two looked up at Sam's voice seeing him standing in front of the yellow scout. "I messed up. I'm sorry." Sam apologised as he looked down at his feet. Alex frowned before she pushed herself up and walked over to her brother. Sam looked up when a hand grabbed his shoulder, squeezing his slightly. He slumped when he saw the equally guilty look on his sister's face as was on his.

"We both are." Alex corrected as she looked up at the yellow scout and then over to her Guardian.

"Young fella, you are the person I care about most in my life." Bumblebee played through the radio as he looked between the two humans. Even though the clip he had taken was only referring to one person, he meant it to the both of them. "If there's anything you need, I won't be far away." he promised the two as he looked up when Jazz walked over to them standing behind the humans.

"That's from the both of us." Jazz knelt down to the humans before slumping on his aft, changing his seat to be closer to three.

"He's dead because of us. He came here to protect us and he's dead." Sam reached up and squeezed his sister's hand, who in turn squeezed back. Alex looked away slightly as sadness and guilt flashed in her green pools before she shook her head.

"There's some things you just can't change." Bumblebee quoted a clip from Forrest Gump as he watched the two humans he cared for struggle with their guilt.

"Boss went in after ya guys. He chose to protect ya." Jazz pointed out as he crossed his arms at the humans.

"Still doesn't make us feel better." Alex grumbled as she shoved her hands into her pockets, kicking the dirt beneath her feet.

"So, his sacrifice for us would not have been in vain. Hallelujah!" Bumblebee nodded, agreeing with the SIC as Mikaela stood a few feet away from the two humans, watching them.

"I'm gonna make it right. I'm going to turn myself in." Sam declared after a moment to himself, surprising the two Guardians.

"...We both are." Alex added with finality after she took a breath through her nose.

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