Chapter 2 - College Blues

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"Christ almighty." Alex breathed as she peeked over the fountain to see her brother's room in smithereens. Wood was splattered all over the backyard along with burnt grass and crates from the magnitude of numerous blasters. Alex flinched when her mother ran out of the house with pans covering her head, only for the woman to run right into a hanging potted plant.

"Oh! Dial 911!" Ron exclaimed quickly as he ran over to his fallen wife. Alex raised to her feet and rubbed the back of her neck as she saw the tattered house in front of her.

"BUMBLEBEE!" Sam roared out his car's designation as he looked up at the yellow mech. Jazz was quick to retreat over to Alex's side not wanting to get involved with that. "Get in the garage!" the brother demanded as he pointed at the empty garage.

"What the freak just happened?!" Alex cringed when she heard her mother's incredulous exclaim of confusion.

"I'm about to have a nervous breakdown!" Sam stated to his Guardian, who gave whirrs and beeps as he tried to defend himself while motioning to the house.

"Can't wait to hear Doc, bitch about this..." Jazz groaned as he dragged a servo over his faceplate, his visor pulled up to reveal his tired blue optics.

"Just go in the garage quietly please!" Sam begged as he looked between the two Mechs in front of him.


"Wait in the garage." Alex sighed as she looked up at her Guardian, knowing her friend was tired from the mission as well as dealing with this crap so early in the morning. Jazz let out a huff before he made his way over to the garage. Bumblebee raised his servos in an exasperated gesture before he stomped his pedes on the ground, retreating back to the garage.

"Get in the garage. Now!" Sam demanded as though he were sending a child to their room. As the two Mech walked over to the garage, Jazz knocked the back of his servo into Bee's helm, lightly scolding him for blowing up the damn house. The yellow Camaro with racing stripes whirred and slapped the silver bot's servo away from him before the two crawled into the garage, waiting for their charges to return.

"What the hell was that?" Alex asked quietly as she stood next to her brother, looking back at the house.

"A sliver of the AllSpark got caught on my jacket." Sam answered with a sigh as he brushed a hand through his short hair.

"And you find this out after two years?" Alex questioned with a raised brow and crossed arms.

"Tell me about it." Sam grumbled before he quickly walked into the house, minding the firefighters that came out of nowhere. Alex quickly followed after her brother, walking into the kitchen were Sam was leaning over the table and picking something up with pliers.

"That's it?" Alex asked as she looked down at the silver sliver, ignoring the warmth growing on her shoulder, by this point she was already used to it.

"Yup." Sam put the thing in a small capsule and quickly closed the lid hiding it from everyone's view. The two quickly walked back into the backyard where a familiar black haired beauty walked over to them.

"What happened?" Mikaela asked the two as she quickly ran over to them, glancing up at the house or what remained of it. Sam motioned over his hand for his partner to get closer to him and his sister before he turned his back to the house.

"Listen. I need you to take the Cube's sliver." Sam spoke up lowly as he held the capsule towards Mikaela.

"Sam Witwicky." Alex nudged her brother with her shoulder as she saw her mother walk over to them.

"Yes mom?" Sam replied as he hid the capsule in Mikaela's jacket, turning around to face his mother.

"A word with you? Both of you." Judy looked over at her daughter at the last part she added before noticing Mikaela was with the two. "Hi, Mikaela. I have a bald spot!" the mother revealed as she parted her hair to reveal said bald spot. "I draw the line." Judy turned to her children with a look of finality. "When you go, he goes. I cannot live with a psychotic alien in my garage!" she claimed as she pointed at the garage the yellow Camaro had lived in for the past two years.

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