Chapter 3 - Drawing Closer

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"Here's Leo." Sam introduced as he walked into his room, his parents following in after him. Alex, Jazz and Bee walked in behind them, taking note of the already semi-filled room as well as the door to their left, leading into a computer room of sorts.

"Hi!" Judy greeted brightly the curly haired brunette that was standing in the middle of the room.

"Ron." the father introduced himself with a handshake as the boy quickly took his hand and shook it.

"Hi, I'm Leo." the brunette greeted with a welcoming smile.

"I'm Judy." the mother introduced herself with bright eyes of excitement.

"You have a great son, you really do." Leo complimented with a bright grin.

"Oh well aren't you the sweetest thing!" Judy gasped with awe at the boy's words. Bumblebee shifted his blue eyes over the brunette, quickly scanning him only to shake his head slightly. The Pontiac duo shared a look at his words as Jazz pulled his visor down so it would hang around his neck, revealing his baby blue eyes.

'This guy is kissing ass/aft.'

"And you are?" Leo asked as he looked between the trio by the door, though his gaze did linger on the female. Alex rolled her eyes when she saw her brother's roommate eye her form as well as her lean arms that were revealing thanks to her usual mechanic outfit, her jacket wrapped around her waist so she could deal with the heat.

"Alex, Sam's sister." Alex introduced herself with a shake of the brunette's hands.

"Jackson and he's Bryan." Jazz introduced himself and Bee, who blinked at the fake human name he was given. "We're friends of Alex and Sam." he pointed out briefly before he walked over to the empty bed and put the bag down just as Bryan put the box down.

"So...uh..." Alex flickered her gaze over to the brunette next to her, internally groaning when he kept looking between her and the two avatars. "You're single then?" the redhead didn't bother to hide the smirk as Bee whipped his head around at the brunette's words, thanking his super human hearing for picking it up. This human mech did not just ask his favourite femme if she was available. He refused to let this human take another one of his human friends.

Even Sam gave an annoyed look at what his new roommate had said. Now he had to deal with the guy fantasizing about his sister.

That's if Alex can quell the fury of the Autobots.

"Yeah." Alex shrugged with indifference as she tightened her hold on the bag she was holding. Jazz tilted his head over at the conversation, a forced smile on his face as he strolled back over to his best friend and charge, swinging an arm over her shoulder.

"For now." Jazz replied seemingly jokingly as he tilted his head at the brunette. But the way Jazz blue orbs seemed to darken slightly, made it seem more like a warning that it was a joke. Fortunately, it seemed to fly over Leo's head as the brunette stared out in a daze with wide blown eyes.

'And que the overprotective alien family I have.' Alex chuckled to herself as she shook her head at Jazz's antics.

"Yeah, the sweetest thing." Sam repeated with sarcasm before he turned to his mother, noticing she was eating something. "Mom what is that in your hand by the way?" he asked as Alex turned her attention from the glaring avatars to the sight of her mother eating something.

"Oh I got this at the bake sale for the environment that those boys are having." Judy answered enthusiastically as Alex quickly took note of the familiar looking leaf symbol on the plastic bag. "You know you don't often see white boys with the dreadlocks." the mother pointed out as Alex dragged her hand down her face, absolutely done with the college she was in already.

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