Chapter 8 - The Cranky Old Bot

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"Check this out. Project Black Knife." Simmons pulled out another file and immediately opened revealing pictures in black and white of old vehicles with 'Classified' in bold red once again. "Robots in disguise, hiding here all along. We detected radioactive signatures all across the country." he stated as he pointed at each and every picture that was labelled 'classified'. "I pleaded on my knees with S-7 to investigate it, but they said the readings were infinitesimal, that I was obsessed." Simmons slammed his hand down on the table at the last word. "Me. Can you imagine that?" he questioned as Alex awkwardly looked over to the side.

'Only proving their point.' the redhead commented inside her head.

"Yeah." Sam muttered as a reply. "Megatron said that there was another Energon source here." he revealed to the former agent.

"On Earth?"

"On Earth."

"Another source?"

"And that these symbols, maps in my head, would lead him there." Sam explained as he pointed a finger at his head before motioning down to the pictures. "And that Alex is the key." he nodded over at Alex, who flickered her gaze up at her name.

"You talk to your Autobot friends about this?" Simmons asked the two.

"Whatever this thing is, it's before them." Alex stated truthfully as she tapped a finger on the symbols on one of the pictures. "Everything they know started with the AllSpark. Anything before that is a mystery." she explained with a sigh as she brushed a hand through her hair.

"So, it comes before them." Simmons repeated as he looked down in thought.

"Correct." Sam confirmed.

"Well, then we're porked." Simmons grumbled as he looked down at the floor.

"...Unless we can talk to a Decepticon." Alex offered as she looked over at Mikaela, remembering a certain something the blackette had.

"I mean, I'm not on speaking terms with them." Simmons chuffed at the idea, but it was the only chance they had at getting any answers.

"Actually, I am." Mikaela spoke up as she leaned off the table, quickly climbing out of the room with Sam trailing behind her.

"These burning things your brother mentioned." Alex looked over at Simmons when he spoke up. "What exactly does it mean?" he asked with curiosity.

"Ever since I can remember I've had these burning feelings in my shoulder." Alex stated as she reached up and held the mentioned body part. "I've also been having dreams about giant robots for the same amount of time." she added in with a thoughtful hum. "It wasn't until two years ago when they started happening out of nowhere with smaller time spans between them." Alex revealed as she looked over at Simmons, who looked shocked at her words.

"The same time the Autobots came here." the former agent realised as he blinked out of astonishment.

"Yup." Alex nodded at his words, confirming them. "Ever since then, the burning always popped up whenever a Transformer was nearby or when something bad related to the Transformers happened." she explained with a tilt of her head. "And now I've been hearing voices in my head." Alex huffed as she massaged her temple, having reminded herself of the migraine she always got. After a few seconds, Alex felt her shoulder pulse once more and then she looked up at the stairway, where Mikaela and Sam climbed back down with a very familiar box.

"Let me out!" the prisoner demanded as he banged against the metal box.

"This is going to be a little bit sad." Mikaela warned the four around her as she started unlocking the box.

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