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tw: mention of rape and abuse

csn i come ober pls
iys an eme rgency

whats wrong
do you need us to pick you up??

no i canw alk
whats youyr address

okay it's 17 greenway lane, the doors open

tears still blurring my vision, i grab my phone and a hoodie before typing in their address on google maps, then i run out of the house. it's dark outside, but the skies are clear and i can see the half-moon out, almost as if its staring and judging me while i sprint off in the direction of my destination.

the tears are still streaming down my face, the wind in my face isn't really helping the situation as i finally get to karl and sapnap's house and knock frantically on the door, trying to wipe my tears and make myself look half presentable.

karl swings open the door, "i said it was ope-" he stops speaking when he sees the state i'm in, then he opens his arms and i practically collapse into him. sapnap, behind him, takes him gently by the shoulders and moves us out of the way to shut the front door. despite me having explained nothing, karl gently guides me to a different room and sits me down, still hugging me.

after a while of hugging and comforting me, i slowly calm down and sit away from karl, the physical touch starting to overwhelm me.

"you don't have to explain anything to us, alex, but we are here if you need to let it out." sapnap speaks softly, coming to sit on the other side of me, both of them giving me reassuring looks.

"no, it's okay, i came here because i think i need to tell someone. i don't want it to get worse. i hope you guys don't mind, i know it's a little awkward because we literally met earlier. but i feel like i trust you guys enough." i take a deep breath and sapnap squeezes my hand, urging me to go on.

"take your time." karl coos, taking my other hand.

"okay, so, i'm going to try and tell you the whole story. it's quite a lot to take in but i don't expect you guys to know exactly how to handle it, i just feel like i need to tell someone." i already feel myself start to tear up, which causes karl to put his hand on my shoulder.

"my boyfriend used to be so, so nice to me. then, one day, not even that long ago, he went to the pub with his friends and he came home very drunk. on this same day, i went out with my friends george and dream and we got new clothes. i wanted to try something new and i bought a skirt and fishnets. he came home from the pub when i was trying these on and he started calling me a 'slut' and saying that i 'dressed up' for him and i shouldn't say no because he's my boyfriend. that night, he raped me. it was the first time, but not the last."

i heard karl gasp and i could see sapnap shaking his head beside me.

"the worst part is, he doesn't remember anything. he said he woke up on the couch that morning and came upstairs to find me the way he left me, and he assumed i cheated on him. that's what happened just now, why i've come here looking like such a mess. he refused to believe that he would rape me, so. so he- he" i burst into tears again, surprised that i even got this far into the story before i broke down. karl takes my right hand and sapnap takes my left, neither of them say anything, knowing i'm not done.

"he hit me until i admitted to cheating on him. of course, i didn't. i just told you what happened."

"alex, look at me," sapnap commands, "it was not your fault, none of it. and it never will be."

"and," karl interjects, causing me to turn to him, you're welcome to stay here with us if you don't feel safe going home. i don't think you should go home."

"is that okay? i don't wanna intrude..." i mumble.

"you wouldn't be intruding. we can let kris know that you might not be in work tomorrow?" karl adds.

"i don't want to let them down."

"i'm sure they'd understand, quackity."

"i'll be okay. i need to go into work."

"as long as you're sure."

i nod and karl gets up, holding his hand out for me to take. i take it and he pulls me up, sapnap following us.

"sapnap, show quackity to his room, please, i'll get bed sheets and stuff so he can go straight to bed." karl walks off to some other part of the house and sapnap starts to walk up the stairs so i follow.

"okay so, we actually have two spare rooms at the moment because me and karl are sharing a room, sometimes we don't. so you have a choice! this is option number one,"

sapnap opens a door right at the top of the stairs which reveals a box room with pastel blue walls and an empty twin-sized bed. the furniture is all white: white desk, white drawers, white closet, white bedframe. it looks clean and cozy.

we leave the first room and walk left down the hallway to the room right at the end,

"and this is option number two!"

the door opens to a slightly bigger, darker room, painted a deep red, with dark brown furniture. it looked warm and inviting.

"so, which one do you want to sleep in?" sapnap turns to me, smiling.

"number two" i say, shyly.

at that moment, karl walks up the stairs with his hands full of white duvets and bed sheets. seeing us standing outside the red room, he heads towards our room and drops the bedding on top of the bed.

"sapnap, can you make a start making this bed, i'll be back with other things."

karl then walks - runs, even - back downstairs and sapnap starts to make my bed.

"let me help." i offer

"sure!" sapnap responds, handing me a sheet to go over the mattress.

returning as quickly as he left, karl holds red blankets and cushions to go on the bed. they match the walls which makes me very happy.

soon enough, my bed is made; karl and sapnap say goodnight. just before they shut the door, i stop them,

"wait! i just wanted to say thank you. you guys didn't have to do this for me, i really appreciate it." i look down at my hands in my lap, embarrassed at the fact they helped me when i should've just dealt with it myself.

"alex, we couldn't just leave you, we are more than happy to have you here." karl says with a smile, sapnap smiles too, nodding in agreement.

"now," sapnap concludes, "goodnight."

"night." i wave, a grin spread across my face.

i turn over to face away from the door, pulling the duvet over my face. i can't believe i admitted to all of that. what would schlatt do if he knew? am i going to have to avoid him for the rest of my life?

maybe i should have kept this to myself.

don't get me wrong, i'm grateful for the help and support that karl and sapnap have given me, but i'm terrified.

i shoot up into a sitting position. oh no. oh fuck.

i brought my phone didn't i? shit.

he's probably tracking me.

throwing the covers off of me, i leap out of bed and dash out of the door, just in time for the doorbell to ring.

it can't possibly be-

karl opens the door, oblivious to the danger that could be standing behind it. i duck down behind the banisters, even though they can probably still see me.

low and behold, schlatt is standing at the front door, a menacing smirk on his face.

"hi! i don't wish to be a bother, but-" he looks up and his eyes land on me, his smirk fading into a glare, "i want to bring my boyfriend home." he snarls.

1385 words

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