Stop Fighting It

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   Trigger warning! Mention of S.A!

   You stepped out into the hallway and stared, dumbfounded. You hadn't expected him to be so...sweet. He had made it clear earlier that he had no reservations on killing you, but when you started to shut down during your kiss, he was so gentle...

   You shook your head to clear it and started  towards your quarters. Clearly you weren't staying here, what would you do, crash on his couch for the night? Ridiculous. It was well past 2 a.m, you assumed everyone on night shift was already far away at their posts, and every day crew worker was fast asleep, so you had no reservations about walking back.

   The only problem was, your quarters was all the way on the other end of star killer. You had a long walk ahead of you. But it was peaceful and quiet, with only the sound of your soft footfalls to interrupt the silence. The problem came when you heard more than one tread. It might be some nightly patrol, you weren't sure. You had never been out after lights out before.

   You were sure it was a stormtrooper about to round the corner behind you and scold you for being out, but when a familiar face appeared instead of a shiny white helmet, you were worried about a different kind of trouble. How long had he been following you? Did he see you leave Commander Ren's chamber? Did he even know it was Ren's?

   "Out for a walk?" He asked. He was burly, with muscles about the size of your head. His hair was red, and he had freckles sprinkled across his face. All together, very forgettable. But you suddenly remembered him. "Adson. What are you doing out?" He was one of the men from your class, he had been the first one to fight Commander Ren.

   "Didn't I ask you that first?" Fuck. Shit. Damnit. What are you going to say? "Umm..yeah I was just.." "Are we both just going to pretend you didn't walk out of Commander Ren's quarters?" Oh no. No no no no no. He saw. He knows. "I should have known you were fucking the Commander. How else would you have made it  through our class? And that little stunt during our final exam! He would have killed you on the spot, but he didn't wanna lose his fuck toy."

   You started to slowly back away, as if you were at the edge of a sarlacc pit, about to fall into the depths. "No, I'm not having sex with the Commander." You kept your eyes on him, watching every step he took, noting that he continued to close the space between you. "I don't believe you. And neither will anyone else if I bring this up. I wonder how General Hux would feel if this was brought to his attention?"

   You were sure he was right. Everything you worked for would be taken from you, your hard work wouldn't matter if Adson told them what he saw, all of your accomplishments would be blamed on your relationship with the Commander, even though you technically didn't even have one.

   "I don't have to say COULD convince me to keep my mouth shut." He closed the space between you and pushed you against the wall, holding you there. The protest just started to leave your mouth when he crushed your lips with his. You pushed and scratched and kicked, but he was too strong. He grabbed a handful of your hair. "Stop fucking fighting it." He hissed. You spat in his face and tried to scream, but his wide hand smashed your windpipe.

   "You're going to regret that." He spit through his teeth, you flinched away when you saw his arm go back, but then there was nothing, and you were falling to the ground. "I'd say the same to you." A deep synthesized voice roared. Relief washed through you, and for once you were nothing but grateful that Kylo Ren could hear your mind.

   A sense of safety immediately washed over you, he came to your rescue. You looked up to see him holding his arm high in the air, and crushing his gloved fist. Adson was dangling in air, with his hands clutched around his throat. He choked and spit, but nothing came out. His face turned from red to blue. Then you saw Commander Ren losen his hold on the force. "Did you think it was a good idea to assault her a mere hundred yards from my quarters? As if I couldn't hear."  Adson gasped in a breath. "I caught her leaving your quarters. It's inappropriate to have a relationship with a higher ranking officer. She just passed because she slept her way up! I could report this and get her thrown off this planet!" He told Commander Ren.

   The Commander tightened his grasp, and the force closed around his throat again. "You're right." He said in a shallow voice. Kylo Ren's hand became a tight fist, you saw Adson's face go blank, and fall back to the ground. Dead. That was about all that you could handle, and you felt your mind slip from the edge it was balanced on. Everything went dark.
   You rolled over and pulled the cover over your head, ignoring the sound of your alarm. It couldn't be time yet, you just....when had you gotten to bed? You sat up and looked around, and noticed at once that the room wasn't yours. Where were you? You looked at the bed and saw that it was huge, and much more comfortable than your standard issue twin. A window stretched across the room, showing a snowy field, with one of the suns just starting to rise. It was too far to melt the snow and ice, but you were long used to the uncomfortable temperature. You glanced around the room, but nothing else helped you gather your bearings. 

   You tried to think of how you got here, and suddenly you remembered your assault. So this must be the Commander's quarters. Just as you came to that realization, Commander Ren walked through the doorway. He was in his usual black armor, but no helmet in place. You dropped your gaze. "Thank you." You tried to sound grateful, after all you were, but all you could manage was a broken whisper.

   "Are you okay?" His voice was stiff and weary, and you weren't sure why. "I'm okay." You told him, and tried to convince yourself. He dropped to his knees in front of you. "Look at me." He demanded. There was no resistance, you immediately locked eyes with him. "You could have died. Do you understand that? You could have died!" His voice raised to a scream on the final words and he lashed out and struck the wall. Why did it matter to him if you died? He stiffened up and his eyes immediately hardened. Shit, he heard that. Damnit. How inconvenient his abilities were when they weren't saving your life. "Leave. Now." He said, and wouldn't look at you. You wanted to protest, but you couldn't form the words. "You have an assignment to attend to, officer. Leave." And with that he left the room. 

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