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Stomach rolling with dismay, you stood to take inventory of your belongings. You didn't have much, just your government issued clothes, a collection of books, and a single piece of jewelry. A necklace from home. You frantically searched every drawer of your new compartment, not finding your only remaining trinket.

A chance ray of light caught something on your new dresser, sending a kaleidoscope of colors against your wall as if it were made of stained glass. Yes. It's here. You ran to your dresser and snatched the necklace from the surface, inspecting every inch of it, turning it over in your palm to make sure it was unscathed. If one of those dim Droids damaged your only piece of home left, you would throw it, and whoever helped it, off of this world.

It looked the same: a chain of nyix flowing through your fingers with a corusca gem in the center. It was gorgeous, every color you could name, but also clear. Iridescent and shimmering. It threw rainbows in even the dimmest light; you couldn't imagine taking it to somewhere like tatooine, it would blind you. Your mother had given it to you, but it seemed there was even more of a story behind this.

You weren't sure if it was true; it probably wasn't, but you really wished it was. You hoped to hold just a small piece of the history that framed your world. Supposedly, the gem dangling from your chain had belonged to someone else before your mother bought it from Huga. According to Huga, it had belonged to Padma Amidala. A senator of the Galactic Republic, before the Empire, before the war, you desperately wanted to hold a piece of history in your hands.

Having it on your person calmed you, you wouldn't risk losing it again. You weren't in training anymore; you could wear jewelry. You hooked the necklace around your neck, the gem sitting just below the hollow of your throat. Surprisingly warm.

You decided that you would stay in these quarters until your class was over. Not because the thought of seeing Kylo Ren often interested you. But because this was so much better than the barracks. The room was huge compared to your previous compartment. It even had a king-sized bed! As well as two doors on the far wall, with a large window that peered over ice fields. You check the door closest to you, just a closet, and then the next door. Oh Gods. Your own bathroom! You wouldn't have to share a shower with the others; you could have privacy. Maybe Commander Ren moving your quarters wasn't such a bad didn't mean you'd have to spend time with him. You could avoid him; it's not like you lived together.

You put your new shower to use, relaxing with the hot water, even singing to yourself, since you didn't have to worry about anyone walking in on you. You weren't the best singer, so being caught would not be in your best interest. After your shower you changed into your day clothes, a pair of black pants with a tight fitted black shirt, let your hair wave down your back, fixed the necklace to sit over your shirt, and padded down the hallway towards the mess hall.

As soon as you walked through the doorway, every pair of eyes was glued to you. Shiiiiit. They knew. They heard what you had done. Guess training isn't kept private. Blood rushed your cheeks as you walked through the line and grabbed anything portable. You would take it back to your room and eat in private.

"You're alive." You heard from behind you. You turned to see another man from your class. Comparatively smaller than the others, but still much bigger than you. He had bright green eyes, still a bit of babyish roundness to his face, with black hair in disarray and a uniform covered in grime. "Oh, so sorry. We didn't really talk in class; I'm Damien Vrand." He held his hand out, and you shook it. His hands were wide, warm, and covered in space dust. So cute.

"I'm as surprised as you are. I for sure thought Commander Ren was going to kill me..." You felt your cheeks grow warmer and continued in the line with Damien trailing behind you. "Could I ask why? I don't mean to be rude, but uh... You really...SHOULDN'T be alive after taking Kylo Ren's lightsaber." He stumbled over the words; he seemed very shy, or maybe he was just worried about upsetting you.

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