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"c'mon, dude. it's been months since you and joy broke it off, stop staring at her and her new guy like that." namjoon tsked.

"whatever, man, i wasn't even looking." he bites back, swishing around the red solo cup in hos hand. namjoon rolls his eyes and shakes his head with a smirk. "liar."

taehyung raises his hands as if to say, guilty. "i'm not perfect, despite how much i look like it." he jokes. "i just wish she didn't move on so fast leaving me to look like a pining idiot."

"hey, if it's any consolation," jimin beside him pipes in. "you always look like an idiot."

taehyung smacks the back of his head.


it was the most embarrassing thing ever. good god, kim jisoo thought as she watched kim junmyeon or 'suho', the class treasurer, sing WINNER's really really, dedicated to her.

the guy was obviously drunk and jisoo looked down on her cup of punch as she had to endure this awful moment. her face flushed crimson underneath her curtain bangs. the girls watched with a disapproving look at the sickly sight. jisoo dreaded what would happen after the song ended.

and just like that, it did.

suho put down the mic and with a slippery smile, approached where she sat on the premium leather couch of whoever's house that was. when he was right in front of her, he knelt down and clutched his chest.

"kim jisoo, please do me the honor going on a date with me!" he groveled.

"this can't be real." the girl whispered as she felt all eyes on the room on her. fully panicking, she racked her brain.

"suhossi..." she started. "i can't go out with you."

the boy looked up at her with angry looking eyes. "why not? i've been trying to get your affection for two weeks now and still nothing!" he compained. good god man, have some respect. jisoo fought the urge to roll her eyes.

she looked around the room at everyone who was looking at her, trying to come up with an excuse to give this relentless being.

taehyung, who just happened to be at the right place at the right time, caught her gorgeous eyes along with her withering attention. she was obviously in distress. being the outgoing guy that he was, he wanted to help. if he could.

catching her attention, he mouthed to her 'need some help?' with a meek smile playing on his lips.

jisoo noticed the sweet guy, remembering the ID thing a while ago, creased her eyebrows and thought what the hell? what could go wrong? and gave a small nod to his question.

after a few seconds of waiting, it seemed like nobody really cared about the little student council romance mishap, so some went back to their little conversations and games of beer pong and what not.

those were the ones that missed taehyung putting down his drink and sauntering to where the girl sat. he picked up suho from his shoulder and faced him head on.

"what the hell do you think you're doing with my girlfriend!?"

a silence filled the room and then, gasps and whispers of shock flooded the rooms of yoongi's bachelor pad as taehyung grabbed jisoo's hand, pulling her up to stand and catching her lips in a kiss.

FALSE PRETENSES, vsooWhere stories live. Discover now