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"unnie! someone's at the door for you!" lisa yelled out to her a few moments after they heard knocking. the girls were in the kitchen getting ready to make sweet treats together.

this late? the girl thought, however, she took off her apron, put her coat on, and stuffed her feet into the fuzziest pair of uggs in the shoe rack.

as soon as she opened the door, the cold slapped her in the face but what surprised her more was the broad figure standing with their back turned towards her. there was no question as to who it might be.

taehyung turned around after hearing footsteps and jisoo could see the breath he took. the corners of his mouth twitched to form a small, nervous smile.



she took a step towards him on their walkway. "what are you doing here?" she asked promptly.

as if he remembered something, he lit up. he lifted his hand, revealing a small paper bag and presented it to her. "happy birthday."

she looked at his hand for a moment. "i know i'm a bit late but the day isn't quite over yet. i didn't even know it was your birthday so i got you a last minute gift." he comments.

he was nervous, she could tell. she wondered why. he was always the relaxed, aloof one between them. now jisoo guesses there wasn't really a 'them' anymore. or, technically speaking, was there ever?

she shook those thoughts out of her head and focused on the present (the gift too). she took another step and reached for the bag. jisoo reached in and finds a red leather box. she pulls it out and opens it to see a very expensive looking watch. it was only then that she realized both the box and the bag bared the word cartier.

her mouth opens in shock and looks up to the boy in front of her. "it's the same as yours?" he only chuckles sweetly. "yeah, so we match. do you like it?"

jisoo took a good look at the accessory and nodded. taehyung blushed, hoping it would come off as an effect from the weather. "you always said you lose track of time whenever you get so busy. this way that won't happen as often." he shrugged. she looked at him and grinned at his thoughtfulness.

"thank you." jisoo said. a silence enveloped between them.

wanting to lend a hand, sensing the boy had more to say, jisoo began. "was that all you came here for?" she realized how handsome taehyung looked in that moment. with his hair flecked with snow, his cheeks red from the cold and his clothes fitting him just right and showing off his sculpted face.

(meanwhile taehyung was amazed at jisoo's beauty, despite her obviously just being ready for a night in with her friends. her face was flush, but smooth. her hair luscious and soft looking. her eyes sparkled like the stars and her heart shaped lips were as kissable as always.)

she wishes she could capture this scene of the two of them. jisoo didn't know if this was the last time he would ever stand in front of her like this, looking at her like that. she didn't know if her heart would beat the same at the sight of him. she takes a snapshot of that second in her mind before focusing once more on reality.

taehyung takes a step closer, and so does she. "well, i had something else to say." he clears his throat, looking away from her. she steps closer, challenging him. "well spit it out."

"i am crazy about you." he says slowly, liek he had just come to a big revelation. "i think i maybe even started liking you. i know that wasn't part of our deal but that's just the way it is and i know you probably don't like a loser like me back but i came here just to let it out and tell you anyway." he said in a big breath, like he needed to say it before he could stop himself. fast, like ripping a bandaid just to get it over and done with. that's something, he thought. if he could get anything out of this, he thought, at least he was brave.

jisoo smiled, hoping he came to say those words. she takes one step closer. she literally sees taehyung take a big breath considering how cold it was. she didn't even mind that she couldn't feel her hands.

in less than five seconds, they were less than an inch away from each other. taehyung gulps, wanting the silence to be filled but afraid of what might come of it.

"i like you too. i've liked you for a while now." she scrunches her nose cutely. "i think we're idiots, don't you?" she laughs. he does too.

taehyung takes another step closer, so close he can count her eyelashes and she every beauty mark on her small face. suddenly, a thought interrupts his mind.

"wait, just to be clear, you and yuta are over for good right?" jisoo clearly rolls her eyes. "of course. i thought that was clear."

taehyung shrugs, his lips forming a line. "i saw you talking before and i didn't know what to say or feel." jisoo's head formed questions of its own.

"you and joy? just to be clear." her curiosity gets the best of her. "nothing there. promise." taehyung set the record straight. last time she talked to joy she was talking to him about some great guy named sunghae or something that she met and decided was her soulmate. and who was he to mess with fate?

"so since we're clear," taehyung finally grabs her by the waist as she puts her hands on his shoulders to brace their stance. "i guess there's only one thing left to say."

jisoo smiles teasingly. "i thought this was the part where we didn't say anything?" taehyung smirks and rolls his eyes. "way to ruin the mo-" she interrupts. "just kiss me."

and he did. kiss her, anyway.

the two lovers shared a passionate kiss under the awning by the door of the girls' shared rest house. the fire that burned between them was more than enough to keep them warm from the trickling snow.

"unnie, the tanghulu is burning!" chaeyoung shouted from within, causing the young couple to break apart and look back at the front door. after a second though, they ignored her and captured each other's lips once more.

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