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on a saturday, taehyung comes over unannounced. the doorbell of the girls' home rings and they all tear their eyes away from their newest drama obsession to look at the door, wondering who was the least lazy out of the four of them. it was always the eldest.

"taehyung?" she had a confused look on her face. "what are you doing here?"

he smiled at his fake girlfriend. "i heard that you did really well on your exams and i brought you cookies to congratulate." he offered her the box in his hands. jisoo didn't know what to say. was it in their agreement to show up and surprise each other?

"did someone say cookies?" chaeyoung boomed from inside. she walked up right beside jisoo and grabbed the box off taehyung's hands. "thanks, lover boy. we really needed snacks to go with our binge watching." she disappeared off to the living room once more.

"welcome." taehyung said from his spot. then the couple stood there just looking at each other, not really knowing what to say next. timidly, jisoo opened the door wider. "you wanna come in?"

reluctantly, taehyung smiled and smiled went inside the house. dalgom and two of lisa's cats immediately came sniffing around his shoes. "hey guys." he greets, petting them as he puts his shoes on the rack.

he moves toward jisoo, who is moving to the fridge and getting herself a coffee milk. "want anything?" she says, looking back at the boy in afterthought.

"i'm alright." he says, putting his bag on the island and sitting down on one of the high chairs. "so, did you miss me after not seeing me all week?" he said meekly, his mouth forming a shy line.

jisoo sipped from her straw and laughed. "i hardly had anytime to miss you. when i said i had to study, i had to study." she answered, sitting across from him.

taehyung scoffed, pouting. "well, now that you're done with all those tests you can focus on me, right?" he smirks.

jisoo gets a heavy feeling in her stomach, which travels all the way to her heart. she feels the pinch. before she can dignify that with a response, the doorbell rings once more. her face fills with curiosity.

"did you guys order pizza or something?" she calls out to her drama addicted roommates "noooo!" the three chorus, not bothering even looking away from the scene of the girl in pink getting on a bike with a guy in a suit. jisoo rolls her eyes.

"i wonder who that can be then." she whispers to herself, going to the door. taehyung follows her just in case.

jisoo opened the door and is met with big gorgeous eyes, lips that were like hers but just a tad more full and brown hair, like their moms. it was her younger sister, lia.

"unnie!" lia lunged at her, enveloping her fully in an embrace. jisoo was left stunned, not knowing what to say.

after a few seconds, lia stepped back and grabbed her sister by the shoulders. "i'm here to visit for the weekend and check out some colleges here in seoul. you seem so surprised, unnie. didn't you get me and mom's texts the past couple days?"

no, she hadn't. she had a strict no phone policy when studying. "i've been busy." she explains. "but nevertheless, of course you can stay here." she smiles at her only sister.

but lia's focus moves to something behind her, turning her expression to a confused one. "am i going crazy or is there a man in your house, unnie?" she asked, one of her eyebrows lifting up.

before jisoo could even try and make up a lie, taehyung goes to her side and speaks. "i'm kim taehyung. jisoo's boyfriend."

lia's mouth practically fell to the floor.

jisoo and jisu lol🤩

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