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jisoo looked over the water as she waited for taehyung to come to her. the two had been pretending to be cold to each other since the start of the party. they hadn't even shown up together. she wonders if people had noticed.

maybe everyone was too busy playing cup pong with her fake boyfriend to even realize he was ignoring her. fake ignoring her.

as jisoo twiddled her thumbs, trying to think of anything else so she wouldn't have to think about how cold she was. she heard the door to creak open behind her but didn't bother looking at who it was. she heard a sigh and a slight whish sound before she felt someone's jacket being put on her shoulders. when she looks over its nobody other than taehyung.

"you should have brought a jacket." he told her. "i got us some drinks." the boy handed her a cup of punch, knowing she didn't drink, and opened himself a beer.

"thank you." she tries to smile but it didn't come out right. she noticed how handsome taehyung looked in his suit, even without his jacket.

"so i guess this is it, huh?" he leans against the railing just like her, looking solemn. her lips form a thin line. "i guess it is."

he turned to face her. "can we still be friends after this? i think i'll miss studying with you and the snacks you always bring me." he didn't want to sound like he was begging to keep in touch, but he would if he had to.

"of course we can stay friends." jisoo smiled. taehyung's heart swelled.

"so, how did i do? 1 out of 10 how good of a boyfriend was i? er...fake boyfriend i guess." taehyung smirked, wiggling his eyebrows, wanting to keep the mood light.

jisoo made a fake disgusted face and waved him off. "6.5 out of 10." she sassed. taehyung's mouth hung open in shock, feigning hurt. "you're lying." the two laughed.

"so how do we end this thing?" taehyung asked.

SPEAKING:i initially wanted to write a fight scene for this but i really didn't have it in me to think thru their diaglogue😭

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i initially wanted to write a
fight scene for this but i really
didn't have it in me to think
thru their diaglogue😭

sorry y'all. at least u dont have
to read my mediocre angst writing.
i don't enjoy writing angst so it just
doesn't turn out well.

anyway, as always ty for reading

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