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as jennie, lisa, chaeyoung, and me make our way to the stands, i get tugged away swiftly and into somebody's side. my cheeks flare up as i look up and see taehyung's face.

"hey." he greets as i feel multiple eyes on us. taehyung looked cute in his volleyball uniform, the school colors wrapped around his lean form. his hair was swept back with a white bandanna covering his forehead.

"i'm here to see whether or not you're as good as everyone says you are." i tease. he laughs sarcastically and i look back to see where my friends had gone. "where are you guys sitting?" he asks me, keeping a hold of my right arm.

"over there," i told him, pointing out the spot by the corner where i spotted chaeyoung's blonde hair.

"you look very pretty today," he whispered to me. heat flows to my face as i looked down on myself. i was wearing wide leg pants along with an oversized blue t shirt that fell just before my thighs.

before i could think about complementing him back yoongi calls him to where his team was forming a huddle. a smirk forms on taehyung's lips as he tilts his head towards me and puts a finger to his cheek.

"quick, give me a kiss good luck before i go." he suggests. and then, without thinking i puckered my lips and placed them to the side of his face.

i could see it, the surprise in his face when i kissed him. he probably didn't expect me to do it. wait, was he joking? did he not want me to kiss him?

when the boy jogs his way into the huddle, i've already sat down in between lisa and jennie.

"wow, unnie, maybe you should have majored in acting instead of language and writing." jennie teased, nudging my leg slightly.

"shut up."


the game was finally over after about three hours. taehyung and his team had won. on the forth set, they were fighting for the set point but the boys brought it home on the fifth set.

as the bleachers emptied out, me and the girls stayed behind since i wanted to congratulate taehyung, who no doubt had a big boxy smile on his face right then, on his win. or their team's win.

"yah, jisoo!" a deep voice bellowed out, the sound reaching all corners of the empty gym. warm arms wrap around me from behind my back and lift me off my feet just a little bit.

"we won." he whispered in my ear as he let me go and turned me around to face him. i could hear the girls' snickers behind me.

taehyung stared at me, a small smile on his face as he held my upper arms to keep me in place. i took this time to look at him. his face was slightly wet, a few of his swept back hairs falling and sticking to his skin. there was a slight haze to all his features, maybe because of his exhaustion and the film of flush it brought to his face. his eyes, along with the lines on his face, were soft though and suddenly i wondered where the cool, sharp edged taehyung that i was used to went.

"the guys wanted to invite you, and your friends too if they want," he broke his stare with me to look back at the three idiots behind me. "to eat out and drink. since we won, it's our treat."

six boys behind taehyung were all smiles as they watched our interaction. i fought the urge to throw up.

"yeah, sure." i nodded and looked back at the girls with a silent question in my eyes. they nodded as well.

"fried chicken and beer!" yelled jungkook from behind before dashing past us to the exit, wanting food already.

taehyung laughed lightly and took my hand in his before walking out as well.

"so, what did you think?" he nudged me lightly as we fell in step with each other.

"about what?"

"me playing volleyball. was i good?" he asked with a playful smile on his face. i rolled my eyes. "i wasn't paying attention so i wouldn't know." i answered. partially a lie, halfway through i got a bit bored and just played games on my phone, relying on lisa to catch me up to what was going on during the match.

with his other hand, he clutched his chest dramatically and groaned. "ouch, pres!"

FALSE PRETENSES, vsooWhere stories live. Discover now