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taehyung held jisoo's hand as he opened the door into jackson's house for the girls, making it so that jisoo and him went in last.

a group of boys immediately greeted taehyung as they entered, hollering his name and holding their fists out for him to bump. jisoo suddenly wanted to just disappear. she definitely didn't belong there, right? her, the prim student council president should have no connection to kim taehyung volleyball star athlete, right? sure, he was wearing a silly dress for his costume but it didn't change the fact that every guy in there wanted to be his buddy. but just when she was about to let go of his hand, wanting to find the girls instead, his grip only tightens.

he turns away from his guy friends and looks at her. she's so beautiful, he suddenly thought.

"you wanna get a drink?" he asked with a smile. jisoo nodded.

"hey, taehyung in the house!" jackson shouted from his spot behind the beer pong table. "dope party, bro." they did that thing when they clapped their hands together before sort of half hugging one another.

"and i see you brought miss president with you." he smirked smugly. "it's an honor." he gave her a slight bow. jisoo couldn't help but laugh from behind taehyung's shoulder.

"beer pong later? you know i want you on my team, man!" jackson tapped taehyung's shoulder as he started to walk away. "you got it, man!" he chuckled.

"you know you can just hang out with your guy friends, right? i can handle myself." she whispered once they got to the kitchen and taehyung started to pour her some tequila.

his eyebrows furrowed deeply and he pouted mischievously. "are you trying to get rid of me?"

jisoo felt her cheeks heat up and she turned away from him. seeming to get the reaction he wanted, the boy let out a breathy laugh and smirked. he handed her her cup and sipped on his own. a cup of just regular punch.

"you don't want alcohol?" she stared into his cup, the slight burn of tequila still on the back of her throat. he shook his head. "i'm designated driver for not one, but four girls so i think it'd be wise not to drink anything." he answered simply.

jisoo never pegged him to be a responsible guy, per se. from what she had heard, he'd always been the life of the party, reckless and wild at every one he went to. at least, that was what she heard. i guess i've never really gotten the chance to see him in a different light.

she cleared her throat. "is joy here?" taehyung seemed to get nervous at that. "does it matter? it'd be weird if i'm here with you and then i just go off with her right?"

but jisoo wasn't paying attention. she was instead staring at her phone, the light of it illuminating her confusion struck features.

she stared at it a second too lomg, making taehyung scoff. "what is it?" he asked, leering over her trying to get a glance at whatever seemed to be so important. she was quick however, putting her phone to her chest and plastering on a smile.

"nothing. lisa wants me to go to the bathroom with her real quick. you stay here." she ordered. and before he could protest, she was gone into the crowd.

but, the truth was, yuta had texted her. he knew she was at this party and said he had wanted to give her something of hers.

the two met on the second floor, where he presented her with a gold necklace they both had a chain of. "i know we used to match and you gave it back but, really, it's yours." he told her, putting the chain on her open hand.

"please, just keep it. i want this to be something you remember me by. or, not. do whatever you want with it. pawn it or give it away, it's yours." he laughed. jisoo tried not to shed a tear. this was seemingly the end of her past love. for real this time.

she took the necklace, stashing it in the purse her fake boyfriend gave her. "thank you, yuta."

when she came back to where she was before she left, she found taehyung talking to a bunch of his teammates before spotting her.

before she could walk away and let him do his own thing, he took her arm and held her close. "hey, you okay?" he whispered under the eyes of his peers. jisoo flushed a deep red. she only nodded with a small smile.

"you wanna dance?" he asked, whisking her away to the dance floor before she could even answer.

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