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"i brought you to the mall so you could get yourself some nice clothes, not so you can use my money to stuff your face." taehyung sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. sat directly in front of him was jisoo, busy eating fish cakes and sipping on her banana milk.

once they stepped into the mall, she mentioned that she hadn't eaten anything yet because she woke up late since she was cramming for a test the night before. then he offered to at least get her lunch but now it was about two hours later and she was still eating. damn this girl loves food, he thought to himself. but he couldn't help the flutter in his ribs as she smiled after taking big bites of her tteokbokki.

"okay, okay, fine. just let me finish this and we can go wherever you want." she waves a hand at him before putting her focus back onto her fish cake. "and besides, you offered."

taehyung snorted and rolled his eyes. he realized he was smiling wide a second later.


"excuse me, where are your fitting rooms?" the boy asked one of the women working at the store as jisoo eyes it's walls. she saw dresses of silk, velvet, satin splayed expensively on manikins.

"okay, try this on." he handed over a simple black dress with a collar, ushering her into the fitting room area. jisoo faced him and scrunched her face up before giving him a fake smile. "whatever you say, babe."

taehyung felt his cheeks heat up and he immediately looked away. "just put it on! jesus!"

and so she did. along with at least ten other dresses. each time she would go out the fitting room and do a little twirl for her fake boyfriend and then striking some sort of silly pose. each time he would go "stop messing around" or something else with the same uptight manner.

he muttered phrases as he sat down a cushion with his chin resting on the back of his hand. phrases like 'too short' or 'too long'. or maybe 'they might think you're trying too hard' and 'you look like you don't give a shit' and each time jisoo would sigh before trudging back into the room to try on a different dress.

and then finally, jisoo put on a plaid button up with a matching skirt and some boots. she stepped out and she swore she might have seen taehyung gulp.

he eyed her every inch and she couldn't help but feel a little insecure. he licked his lips and mouthed 'wow' not loud enough for her to hear. at the end of her twirl, he cleared his throat and pulled his wallet out. "that'll do. we'll take it miss." he put his credit card in between two of his fingers and held it out for the store clerk to take.

"wait, really? we're done?" she smiled in delight. taehyung nodded in reply.

"can we go to the pet store to look at the animals?" she asked cutely, like a little kid.

how could he have said no?

so they had ended up in a pen full of kittens, as they pet each one and basked in all their cuteness. "they're too cute!" jisoo cried out, holding a calico one close to her face and kissing it.

when one of the workers had taehyung the catnip, all of them ran to him, clawing for the thing, and soon enough they were surrounding him, like a cute, fuzzy-looking militia. he laughed before looking at his pretend lover. "you want the catnip?"

she shook her head. "no, it's cute seeing a big guy like you surrounded by kittens. i'll even take a picture."

she took out her phone and quickly snapped a photo, making sure to get all the babies into frame. she giggled behind her screen. taehyung moved to get a peek. "lemme see."

she showed. he was sitting on the checkerboard carpet, his legs criss crossed as kittens flooded all around him. they were all over his lap, some clawing up his shirt and climbing his back, all to get to the catnip in between his fingers that acted as their precious prize. he was all smiles as he held the pouch in one hand and had a peace sign out on the other. "it's so cute, i might make it my wallpaper!"

taehyung blushed and silently thanked the kittens for putting him in jisoo's spotlight. for that, he put the catnip down and let them have their go at it.

wanted to end it on a fluffy note😁

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