Chapter V

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The next day, Chris Evans didn't change his ways. He kept inquiring about Scarlett's private life, as if he was trying to tease her. And he could.

– I think defenseless Scarlett is prettier.

Cute? Thirty-year-old women didn't like being called cute.

“Do you want to dictate the letter now, Mr. Evans?

Instead of working, C.E. sent her to see the company doctor. When she returned, he found on her desk a list of all the self-defense courses in town.

What was he up to? Did you want gratitude or did you have some other reason? A shiver ran down her spine; better not even think about it...

During the days that followed, Scarlett tried to keep her distance, ignoring the provocations. It was an unbearable ordeal!

Colin was driving her crazy, as he called most nights; so did Tom. Not to mention C.E.'s provocations! And, as if all that wasn't enough, she spent the rest of her time trying to break up the fights between the twins, who were going through a very difficult time.

Life, which had always been monotonous and uninteresting, now presented itself as a whirlwind of annoyances. But it didn't seem like enough, as more trouble was to come.

One of the film crews, who were shooting a documentary in South Africa, had disappeared. A BBC radio employee in London called Chris Evans to report the incident.

The next few hours were desperate. The team used to be out of touch for weeks, and they were in one place each day. So it would be difficult to try to locate them.

C.E. asked the executive producer to speak to the production companies associated with the Evans Communications Company and find out if the news broadcast by the BBC was really true.

The New Zealand government, at the request of Chris Evans, was in daily contact with London, seeking new information; the country in question did not have diplomatic relations with New Zealand, hence the need to depend on the British.

Scarlett admired C.E.'s patience and perseverance, who left office work in the background to concentrate on her searches.

Sebastian contacted the families of the four team members, assuring them that the company would do everything possible to locate them.

Due to the delicacy of the situation, she started to leave the office later, because of the backlog of work and because she liked to keep company with her boss, who was waiting for news.

On the third night, later than usual, Scarlett suggested a. C.E. to order dinner over the phone.

“I'm not hungry,” was the dry reply, as she called the executive producer. – Carmichael? Any news?

Another fruitless phone call. Scarlett waited for him to finish before insisting on dinner again.

- I'm not hungry! I told you to go home; You won't get overtime!

Silently, Scarlett left him alone. She went to the restaurant next to the building and twenty minutes later came back with some foil wrappers.

"I thought you went home," he grumbled, at the same time he was relieved that she hadn't obeyed him.

“Your bites don't scare me, you know? – Scarlett replied coldly.

Chris Evans was tense and worried; it would be nice if he could have company in difficult times like that and his exemplary secretary could even guess that need.

- What do you have there?

“Chicken gravy and rice for me,” she muttered in the same annoyed tone. “But there's enough food for two people, if you change your mind.

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