Chapter 1

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TW: none

The hospital was a dark place. Nothing sinister happened in here, it's just that the lights where old and didn't give enough light to brighten it up. The place had been built a few decades ago, there hadn't been a lot of remodeling, so the light was slightly yellowish, it flickered quite often. The hospital was a clean and efficient place, even if it might not be so obvious the first time you enter the halls. Or, at least, in this part of the building. The one for the non-humans.

Mei was alone in the hallway. She was on the way her way back to the reception after being called to store some of the new blood donations that had been taken in the past day. Some people would call it ironic, having a vampire be in charge of keeping blood donation safe. It really wasn't. It was the reason she had gotten the job in the first place.

The place wasn't crowded that night. The non-human region of the hospital is always busier at night, although that Tuesday evening, the place was empty. Mei was expecting it to be just a simple day, without anything happening. She was wrong.

"Hello? Excuse me?" A voice said behind her.

Mei turned to face the individual who stood behind her. They were taller than her, probably around 1,80 m, with long light brown hair, tied up in a bun, showing an undercut. They had tan skin and silver-grey eyes. They were a big person, it looked as if they worked out, in their early twenties. They had a few piercings in each ear, as well as a slit eyebrow, wore a golden necklace with a blue round crystal, a simple white t-shirt and black cargo pants.

"Hi, um, sorry, but I'm lost, and it seems you work here, because you're wearing hospital uniform and all..." They said, "My name is Cas! Um, he/him pronouns please."

"Oh, hi Cas, I'm Mei, she/her. And yes, I do work here. Where do you need to go?" Mei asked back, giving them a smile.

"Ah, right, well, I'm not sure... You see, I'm here for a regular check-up, that one werewolves have to do every four months, but I got my doctor changed because the old one retired and now the place I have to go is a different one and-" Cas shook his head, slight blush appearing on his cheeks, "I'm getting off tracks, ain't I?"

"Yes, a little bit," Mei chuckled.

"Sorry," Cas looked down, but quickly lifted his head up again, "Anyways, I'm supposed to go to the room 407, but I've gone up and down so many stairs that I don't even know in which floor I am anymore..."

"It's alright, this place is a bit like a labyrinth, especially if you go out of your zone. Come on, follow me. It's not far off, we just have to go a few floors down," Mei started to walk away, and Cas followed her.

"Down? I mean- shouldn't the room 407 be on the up? I think we are on the fourth floor, right?" Cas asked, catching up.

"Well, it's true that we are on the fourth floor, but the room isn't in here, it's on the second floor. You see, this hospital has two parts, one for the humans and the other for the non-humans, half and half. The side of the humans has the rooms that start with odd numbers, the side of the non-humans with the even ones, so the room 407 is on the second floor," Mei explained.

"That's- wow, that's so confusing... Why is it so strange?"

"This hospital was the first hospital for all species, it was founded many years ago, almost decades. At that time things were segregated. It's too late to change the system now, although the hospital is a very safe place,"

"Hmm, I already knew that last part..."

Mei guided Cas through the halls of the building, occasionally crossing paths with other patients and nurses. The walls were painted white, often with wide windows plastered around, the doors of the rooms made with a sky-blue plastic like material, each one having a golden sign on top of them with the number of the room. After a few minutes of walking in silence, they arrived at the stairs. Mei decided to start the conversation again, since the silence was starting to get awkward.

"Why where you here again?" she asked, "I'm just curious, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"Oh, don't worry, it's alright. I'm here for my checkup, werewolves have to do one every four months," Cas explained.

"Ah, I see. Well, I hope that you are fine and that there's nothing wrong."

"Me too, but there's no need to worry. I'm as healthy as a horse!" He exclaimed.

"We're here," Mei suddenly stopped walking. Cas looked up at the door she was point at, and, as she had promised, they had arrived to the room 407.

"Thanks for guiding me here! If it weren't for your help, I would've gotten lost in here and I couldn't've been able to find my way out. I hope I didn't take away any of your time."

"Oh, don't worry about that, my day would've been much more boring if it wasn't for us meeting and talking,"

"Heh, well, I'm glad I could do a little something to help brighten your day," Cas joked, "Well, I guess I'll have to go for my checkup now, huh?"

"Yes, I should get back to work... Bye!" Mei waved.

"Bye," Cas knocked the door. After a few seconds, the doctor said to come in.

Cas and Mei shared one last look before Cas entered the room. Mei breathed in and out, straightened her back and walked away, ready to go back to her tasks. To be honest, she had quite enjoyed talking with Cas. He seemed like a nice person, it would be nice to see him again, even though that'll be hard. Like- he probably wouldn't have to come back here for another 4 months. That's a long time, enough to forget a random person who helped your way through. Also, by that moment he would already know where he had to go, so he wouldn't need any help, so they weren't going to cross paths.

Mei sighed and pushed her hair off her face. She needed to focus on her work, she couldn't let her mind go away for a guy she had just met and that she'll never see again. She wasn't ready for a new relationship of any kind, so it'll be better to just forget him.

Hello guys! For the ones of you who are new to my work, welcome! I hope y'all enjoy reading this book! For the ones who are old buddies, welcome as well! Y'all know how much i've been waiting to post this :)

This is gonna sound a bit weird, but i'll be making around 3 updates a day because... reasons. please don't question it lmao

hope you enjoy!

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