chapter 13

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After a few well-deserved hours of sleep, Mei woke up at 14:35. It took her a bit to get her head grounded in the present, and a bit more to become fully awake. Her first actions, as every other morning, as to go to the kitchen and take her breakfast, which basically consisted of her vitamins and blood.

In theory, vampires only need to feed once every two days. That is, if you actually drink the necessary amount of blood, which is around 3 or so liters. Mei, on the other hand, took a minimal dose of blood alongside vitamins, which had to be taken twice a day.

Her blood supplies were stored in the fridge so they would last longer. She needed to drink some alongside the vitamins; without it, they wouldn't have any effect. The amount needed was a quarter liter, enough to fill a glass of water. Or, in this case, a glass of blood.

Even after 2 years of being a vampire, the process of preparing the blood still felt... wrong. For a better taste, Mei had to warm up the red liquid on a pot until the temperature reached 37 degrees, so it was at human body temperature, the ideal state of blood consuming.

Performing this early afternoon had something upsetting within it: It felt natural to make this, to prepare this "breakfast", but a small portion of Mei's mind still considered drinking blood an immoral act. It went to such extent that the vampire felt as if her mind was on standby during this whole time, flying away to a distant dimension while her body worked on automatic. It didn't matter if she did this just after waking up and still not being aware of things, or if it was late at night and she'd been up for several hours; the state of dissociation followed her the moment she opened the fridge and picked up the kettle of blood.

While she was cleaning her bloody glass and pot, Mei's mind wandered off to Cas and the drawing she'd been doing yesterday. Cassey seemed to be fairly invested on her art, weren't they? Maybe it could be a good idea to send them a picture of the sketch...

Mei: Hey, Cas?

The screen was empty for a few minutes. Mei awaited Cassey's response, hopping she wasn't a bother for them

Cassey: Oi!

How ya doing?

Srry I didn't reply right away, I was cleaning dishes lol

Mei: it's ok

It's nothing important or anything, I just finished a sketch for a drawing and thought you may want to see it?

Cassey: OMG Yes!!!

Can I see!?

Mei: sure!

Mei had the picture of the sketch already taken, she just needed to hit send. She awaited expectedly, seeing the three dots jumping up and down in Cassey's contact

Cassey: IT LOOKS SO GOOD!?!!?

Mei: aww, really?

Cassey: YES!?

It looks great


Mei: what does "/gen" mean?

Cassey: oh, it's a tone indicator!

Mei: A what?

Cassey: yeah, a tone indicator!

It's used to explain better like- the tone or meaning of a text

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