Chapter 15

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"How did last night go?" Haze asked when Cassey got out of her room. She had been woken up by the sweet smell of bacon, bacon that Haze was preparing from them. Cas yawned and stretched up before letting themselves fall on one of the dining chairs

"What would you do to me if I told you I fell asleep in the second episode and stayed like that for a few hours?"

"I normal situations I'd hit you with my cooking devices in a tease full manner and tell ya to step up on your game, but in your defense, it was a post-full moon day and it was late, so I will refrain myself and simply give you some tasty bacon."

"Aww, thanks-"

"Also, you're adorable when you sleep. You look like a sweet little- well, a sweet big angel and you don't snore, so I bet that made you win some points," Haze added.

"You watch me in my sleep!?"

"Darling, you fall asleep on the couch at least once a week, so I'm not the one to blame. Not my fault you're an adorable lil puppy either,"

"Hmph. You're right, I brought this on myself,"

"Yes, yes you did. Here," Haze handed over the bacon, "Eat your breakfast, there's some bread on the kitchen counter you can cut yourself and put on the toaster... or not, I know you're weird with not toasting your toast. The juice is in its place. Have a nice day," Haze smiled, walking away to zirs room.

"Awww, leaving already?" Cassey spined in her chair so rapidly they almost fell, "Fuck-"

"Be careful," Ze chuckled, "And yes, I'm leaving already."

"But it's too soon," Cas whined, "why u gotta go?"

"Cassey, darling, I have a job. And it's already a bit late on my schedule, I gotta hurry up. Today I woke up laten than usually,"

"That's only because the sun used to rise at 6 am and now it does at 8."

"I know. And I still got time to make you your bacon!"

"True. I luv u! Come 'ere so I can give u a kissy,"

Haze sighed but smiled widely as Cassey stretched their arms to invite her roommate into a hug. At the end, Cas didn't kiss Haze, but she did ruffle zirs hair, which didn't have any effects of messiness due to the tight braids.

"Now I gotta go get dressed! Lemme go!"

"Just a few more minutes," Cas laughed

"I can't go open the store in my pajamas"

"Who says you can't?"

"Omg, just let me go."

Cassey laughed but let Haze go to zir room.

She enjoyed the good breakfast that sat in front of them: the deliciously made bacon, the fresh orange juice, and the bread they didn't bother to toast. There was an unspoken rule in the house: Haze prepared the food and Cas cleaned the dishes. They've never actually stopped to discuss this; it simply became a tradition after the first few months of them sharing a home.

The werewolf had no idea on cooking. Better said, no idea on healthy cooking. She had the capability of making food and some dishes, but they weren't always the healthiest option. Homemade pizza, noodles, fried food, etc. The dryad, on the other hand, had been raised up in a home where healthy food was the rule, so ze ended up with the task of ensuring a healthy diet. In the end, Cas took over the cleaning dishes task since she was faster at eating. Neither cared about them standing up and start chores before Haze was done, so after many years it turned into a routine. Haze made the food, they ate, Cassey cleaned. It was fair, and both of them liked it.

By the time Cas had already finished with all the bacon and was about to start with the bread, Haze came out of zir room again, now dressed with normal clothes. Today's outfit was a white turtleneck tank top, baggy high waisted moss green pants with a brown belt and one of Cassey's jackets that went up just to the forearm, letting the shoulders free.

"Don't you say a word," Haze got zir finger in Cassey's mouth before she could even finish opening it to comment, "I'm not giving you your jacket."

"No use in complaining?"

"No use in complaining. Now, I still got about 5 mins before I seriously have to leave, so tell me, what else did you do last night before and after you fell asleep? I want details."

"Lol, 'k," Cas tilted their head back to bring her mind back to last night, "Sooo, we started seeing the show, and she rested her head on my shoulder and we were both covered by my blanket cuddling, but then I fell asleep, and when I woke up I was on her shoulder even if she was still leaning on me, and when I did wake up Mei looked at me with a very sweet smile and I think I became a tomato."

"Classic Cas," Haze nodded, "What else? Any smooches?"

"No smooches. I told ya, she ace. And for what she's told me, she ain't into kissing nor anything similar."

"I get that. Well, not really. A good kiss from a hot dude can be good from time to time, maybe take it a bit further, but I get the sentiment. Anything else happened after sleeping beauty over here woke up?"

"Nah, not much. We stayed there a bit more until she said she should get going. I offered to walk her home, but then she pointed out how my clothes were pajamas. She got up on her toes and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then we waved and she disappeared!"

"Ohhh, so she gave a kiss to you? I see, I see..."

"Yes! Mei is just amazing! She's the best."

"She's the best?" Haze gasped, pretending to be offended, "What about me?"

"She's the best after you, dummy! No one can be more perfect than you,"

"Oh why, thank you! Anyways," Haze started to go towards the drawer where they kept the keys and cash, "I'll go now. Think you'll manage to survive these few hours on your own?"

"Count on it! See ya later!"

"Bye!" Haze waved, closing the door behind zir.

Alright, Cassey thought, what should I do now? 

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