Chapter 6

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"Why hasn't she called yet?" Cassey exclaimed, lifting their phone up on the air, "I gave her my number forever ago!"

"I don't know Cas," Haze yawned, "Can explain this better to me? I woke up about ten minutes ago and you are already spamming me with all the things that happened when I was asleep."

"Alright, so, remember Mei?"

"The cute gal?"

"Yes! I gave her my number."

"How so? She asked?" Haze asked, looking for the tea bags on the shelfs.

"Nope. I wrote it down on a napkin that I gave to her along with her coffee," Cassey explained.

"Seriously?" Haze eyed Cas with a look of judgement, "And now you ask why she hasn't called?"

"I don't see you point."

"Aww, Cassey, you're adorably naïve," Haze chuckled.


"For starters, she might've not even seen it. Most people don't expect to have secret things written on napkins. Then, she might not be interested. She might have a partner already. She might not be gay and your gaydar is broken. She might be shocked by it; think it's stalking and not come to the café again. She might-"

"Alright, I get your point, shut up now," Cassey groaned, "Uh, I fucked up, didn't I?"

"She might still be on her shift, or she might be too tired to answer at the moment. She works at a hospital, Cas. That's the only thing you know about her job. She might be a surgeon and have had to do some operations to people and forgot."

"True..." Cas sighed, "Gods, I'm tired."

"When was the last time you slept? Have you been awake all night?"

"Yeah?" Cassey turned her head to look at their friend, "Is something wrong?"

"Yes, there is! Your shift finished five hours ago! What have you been doing since?"

"Watching TV and waiting for her call?"

"You useless gay..." Haze set zirs cup down and walked next to Cas to take her phone away.

"Hey, that's mine!" Cassey exclaimed, jumping up to grab it back.

"Not until you get some rest," Haze replied, "Time to sleep, young lady."

"You little bitch-" Cassey growled, as she started to walk away to their room.

"Don't call me little, I'm still both older and taller than you."

"Only for a centimeter!" Cas yelled, closing the door behind them.

"Still taller!" She heard zir yell back, the sound distorted now that there was a wall between them.

Cas hated it, but Haze had a point, ze always had. They had been up for far too long, and last night she had only got 7 hours of sleep, in contrast with her usual 9. Some sleeping would make them some good, that's for sure. Now that Haze had stolen the phone, there'll be nothing to distract her from this task.

This wasn't something that'll happen often. The whole "staying awake all night to see if they call back" deal. The other times Cassey had had a crush on someone, she would've acted much differently. Well, that probably was because the situation itself would've been different.

Like in high school when they crushed on a cheerleader. That time, Cas had ignored her feelings, still too scared to make a move, confused by her sexuality at age 13.

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