𝟬𝟮. | 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗮 𝗯𝗲𝘁?

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Some weight on top of me that I can't identify pulls me from my sleep. I slowly open my eyes since the bright sun rays which are coming through my big window front of my bedroom are blinding me. I can feel something tickling my chest which is why I look down where I discover the dark short hair of my acquaintance from last night. I met him at some random club after training yesterday. To be honest I don't even remember his name. Usually my one night stands are gone when I wake up in the morning and I find a short note on my nightstand or kitchen island. I just really hope he doesn't think that we will ever be more than this one night and that he just forgot the time and slept in.

I gently push him off of me and grab my phone to quietly walk towards my bathroom. I only have an hour left until I have to leave for training. Hopefully my headache will be gone before I arrive at the training ground. If there is one thing that I don't need right now it is another speech about discipline and how my behaviour effects the whole team from the captain or coach.

I am really not at my best right now. I haven't been for a while which led to me being on the bench for most of our games. I haven't played longer than 15 minutes per game for the last couple of weeks and the press and fans are destroying me. Headline over headline. I am really starting to loose my love and passion for football and I don't even know how all of this started.

I turn on the hot water and while I am undressing I hear someone walking down the stairs and then my front door opening and  closing again. Thank god. At least one problem less to deal with. I really need to stop drinking that much and sleeping with strangers I meet at the bar or in the club. It is just a matter of time until one of those guys is going to expose me to the media and that really would be the end of my career. But who am I kidding? I haven't gone without alcohol longer than a week and my regular one night stands are the only time right now when I feel appreciated and wanted.

After my shower I wrap a towel around my waist and go to the kitchen to drink a glas of water and take a painkiller. As expected I find a little folded note on top of the kitchen table.

Had to leave for work and didn't want to disturb you in the bathroom. I really enjoyed last night.
Maybe we will see each other again. You have my number so hit me up when you have time.

Yeah I don't think so John. I am also pretty sure that I don't have his number. At least I know his name now. I take the paper and thrown it into the trashcan before I go back to my room to get dressed and pack my training bag. I already know I am going to be late but who even cares at this point. I don't.

After training

"Hey Mason. You wanna join us tonight?" I hear Callum yell across the changing room. I was just throwing all of my sweaty clothes into my bag and about to head towards the shower when I turn around and give him a nod followed by a muffled "sure" as an answer. So much for trying to lower my alcohol consumption. But at least today is Saturday which means we won't have any training tomorrow. I will just stop from Monday on. Probably. Maybe. We will see. But I could really use a fun evening with the guys. Maybe blowing off some steam will help. Just like the last couple of weeks I really sucked today and everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. Even I wouldn't let myself go on the pitch.

After a quick shower I change into my normal clothes and after saying goodbye to my teammates that are still in the changing room I leave the training ground towards the parking lot. I throw my bag into the trunk still pissed about how everything went today before I get into my car and drive off, probably way too fast. But I don't care. I just want to get home and rest until I will meet up with the guys later.

Finally at home I lay down on my big sofa and put on the tv so the house is not so quiet. At the same time I pull out my phone out of my pocket and start scrolling through my social media accounts, mainly Instagram. Suddenly a post from @chelseafc grabs my attention. It's about our newest signing. A young German player from Bayer Leverkusen. He is Chelsea's most expensive transfer ever but considering his outstanding talent which I heard a lot about, he should be a big win for the club. But for me on the other hand another guy on my position means I have to work even harder to get any playtime at all. Great. Frustrated by those news I throw my phone away and before I even know it I fall asleep.

2 hours later an awful sound from my phone wakes me up. Thank god I set an alarm when I got home earlier. I slowly get up and trot to my bathroom to get ready for my little get together with my teammates in half an hour. I start trying to get my hair under control before I go to my closet to pick out a decent outfit for tonight. 10 minutes later I stand in front of the mirror critically starring at my own reflection before me. I start asking myself how I even manage to pull all of those one night stands when I look as miserable as I do. Before I begin to hate myself even more I grab my car keys and leave my house, slamming the door pretty hard. I really hope tonight will take my mind off of all of this a little bit.

After I parked my car I go inside the club from which you can already hear the loud music from far away. Inside the air is stuffy. Everything smells like alcohol. The bass makes the whole room vibrate and I can already feel the headache I am about to get. I spot Callum and Ben waving at me who look like they already had some drinks before I arrived. Before I head to their table I grab myself a drink at the bar and a round of shots for me and the guys. I can already tell that tomorrow's hangover is going to be bad, really bad considering all the problems I want to drink away.

"Hey have you seen the new guy?" Ben asks me while I put down the drinks and sit down next to him.

"You mean the one from Germany? Of course. I mean who hasn't. Every football related media is reporting about it. I mean over 70 million for a 21 year old is pretty big." I answer. I really don't feel like talking about him right now. I mean that is why I am here. To forget about anything that has to do with football, my career, basically my whole life.

After we watched some video and interviews of Chelsea's newest signing we finally change the topic and my alcohol consumption starts to grow rapidly.

3 hours later

"I'm getting the next round guys." I yell across the table. My teammates can barely understand me since the music is extremely loud and everyone is either signing or talking but I'm getting up anyway stumbling towards the counter.

A couple of minutes later I arrive with a tray full of shots at our table. To be honest just seeing them gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. But I ignore it. I don't want to think about my life right now or feel anything. I definitely drank too much today and I'm pretty sure none of the other guys are interested in drinking them since all of us are already completely wasted.

"Guys let's go." I slur but not one of my teammates is reaching for one of the little glasses filled with vodka.

"Hey come on. You guys are so boring. We've only been here for 3 hours." I start complaining  but no one is really listening. I look around the table and everyone except Ben and Reece are ignoring me. Suddenly I hear Callum shout something in my direction.

"How about a bet?"



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