Chapter 3 The Start of Mighty Warrior

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Ok before we get into the story I have some things to say first is that you were originally human and you despised that one fact about you and second is that it will start in Connecticut, USA also you in high school.  Also this (J) means whatever he says is in Japanese.

N/N: I have been training with my sensei for a while now mostly when I can find time to it or when I need a break from school and such, I am not supposed to know of her name or where she came from so I just call he sensei and she never smiles which I kind of hate but on this one time when she was staring of into the distance I saw her smile.  That one time has stayed in my memory for a long time, she tells me that one day my faith will tested and I will have to make a choice of either staying here secret of go with her to live freely in Japan but I feel that that day is approaching fast and I will decide to go to Japan with her, but now I'm at school.

N/N: I have a invisible cloak on me that hides my Fox ears and my nine tails, I must admit the tails are all cute and fluffy and my ears allow me to hear things that are much farther away but I have to focus on this Spanish test, I'm ok at Spanish but I can speak fluent Japanese because sensei said that it would be good for me since we are going to Japan.  At that exact wrong moment I heard the sound of heavy boots stomping on the ground and doors being bust opened by sledge hammers, I tensed my muscles ready for anything watching the door and stealthily brought my left hand to my hip where my katana lay hidden from people.

N/N: Just then the door burst open and multiple figures wearing camouflage uniforms and helmets with goggles on top carrying rifles trained at us, I waited to rise before one of them got close enough for close quarters combat, I moved forward and grabbed my blade in its sheath and with as much strength and speed pulled it up slicing of the in half.  The force of the blow went the soldier falling back, his allies starting to aim at me but I was ten steps ahead of them as I drew my yari from its sheath on my back and launched it at the soldier's right shoulder which is left of his other ally.  The yari pierced his shoulder and drew his aim right and also dragging the end of the yari hitting the other man's neck, knocking them momentarily out of the fight, I then threw my katana at the soldier on the ground as he tried to get up but my blade pierced his heart effortlessly he fell back down instantly.

N/N: I ran forward grabbed my katana and went for the other two, the wounded one was on the ground and the other one now up and ready, I jumped up spinning horizontally, missing the bullets and flew my blade at the one who's up and it hit his throat cutting flesh and making him fall on his ally which he couldn't do anything to defend himself from me now.  I casually walked over to the person and removed my katana and stepped on the dead body keeping the person there

Kokuryuu: (J) "Good night, I pity you for having no purpose."

N/N: After that I sank my blade into the person's heart through his already dead ally, I drew out both of my blades which I wiped the blood of off it with a cloth and put the katana back into its sheath, I noticed most of the other students staring at me or at the dead lying at my feat or just simply in shock of what just happened.  I paid them no mind as I set to work on the next part of my protocol by sending one of my two colored petals to sensei at incredible speed I noticed that my teacher had moved from where she stood over to her desk.

Teacher: "Y/N?"

Kokuryuu: "Yes?"

Teacher: "What are you doing?"

Kokuryuu: "What has to be done."

N/N: At that moment my other petal came up to around head height and my sensei spoke.

Sensei: (J) "My apprentice why have you sent me one of your communication petals?"

Kokuryuu: (J) "My Sensei it seems that we are cut of guard, the Chinese have invaded my home and are at the school in which I learn at, may you help me in my efforts to get rid of them?"

Sensei:(J) "Fine my apprentice, I will come and help you fend off the enemy."

Kokuryuu: (J) "Thank you Sensei."

N/N: After that the petals both returned to me and I began my fight against the enemy.

Timeskip: After the whole fighting (it can be as deadly as you want it)

N/N: After we had successfully pushed back the Chinese invaders we took flight on our planes and continued to drive them back to the ocean to which we also managed to snipe their vessels which brought them here however it wasn't a victory without lose.  Much of our planes were destroyed or damaged but it was all worth it when we cornered our enemy and defeated them by the sea their blood spilling into the sea, but we can't stay here our first objective after this was to get to Japan herself.  And defend her people from invaders, as the one carrier that can do the most damage I intend to make the road for anyone who dares attack my beloved island nation nether-like with all my wrath.

Hello how ya all doing so I saw that with every new chapter or book that I post less people are reading them and it saddens me that this is happening I don't know whether it's because of my writing or the content but I just need some help to understand as to why these chapters aren't getting the views that I wish for or maybe I'm not cut out for this.  I don't know I just wish I got more views to make me feel better or something because I don't have any friends in school I guess this is the one place where I get to read and write the beautiful stories of epic legends and watch them as they bloom into something I can love.  Anyway that's all from me have a good night or day depending on what time you read this.

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