Chapter 2 New Perceptions

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N/N: As I walked through the school towards the entrance I got a whole ton of stares because from now on I would be wearing a Japanese kimono that is black and gray background with blue flames.  My hair length is also the same as my real form but the color is my old hair color before my transformation and I will also be wearing my sandals too except for during gym class which I will change for the activities.  One other thing was that I had two of my bodyguards with me which of course would draw attention.

N/N: When I reached the entrance I saw Sensei sitting against the wall patiently waiting for me to arrive.

Kokuryuu: (J) "Sensei I have arrived we have fifteen minutes until we need to head towards first period.

Sensei: (J) "Let's just go to first period now that would be more beneficial."

Kokuryuu: (J) "Of course Sensei."

N/N: The students would give us weird looks as we were wearing Japanese styles kimono's and also are together so most people were surprised to see us as nothing like this really happens often or at all.  When we got to our first period which was sociology but we got there five minutes before the bell rang so we just sat down against the wall and struck up a conversation.

Sensei: (J) "So what are your other classes?"

Kokuryuu: (J) "I have  chemistry after this then self defense, Spanish, academic support, algebra two, study hall then English three."

 N/N: The bell rang soon after that and our teacher showed up, a little surprised to see us in Japanese clothes and when we say down we sat together, the other students coming in were very surprised to see us and Sensei had to introduce herself while only staying a few things.  Which were that I am her boyfriend, she will hurt anyone that tries to do anything to her or me that would go against that, she is a new transfer student, that she will be going wherever I am, but she did not mention her name.

N/N: Most of the other students were taken aback when she said that because now she is very protective of me and only wants to be with me, and most of the other students decided to avoid her and stay away but in Spanish class something interesting happened during her introduction.  One of the other students asked a really dumb question.

Student: "Wait Y/N has a girlfriend are you serious?"

Sensei: "Yes I am his girlfriend and I will be sitting next to him, is there a problem with that?"

Student: "No"

N/N: After that most of the other students shut up as well as other students in other classes but when lunch rolled around we went to my normal sitting location which was in the back of the room near the wall,  to have lunch with Sensei.  One of my guards set down a colorful mat on the ground for us and we began to set up our meal, the other students watched us as we did all this some even tried to take a picture or two but were confronted my my other bodyguard.  We began to eat and I really didn't care that people were staring at us, though I did notice one person which was staring at Sensei with a kind of lustful expression so I took precautions and had one of my guards always be blocking his view of her.

N/N: He did not like that as he moved closer and tried to shove him out of the way, but my bodyguard didn't move one inch, to which he then tried to get past him and confront my Sensei, but the minute he tried to do that the guard grabbed his neck and pulled him away from us, however after that he pulled out a military knife in his right hand ready to stab him.  My bodyguard turned to me with a bow, to which it surprised some of the students and asked a question.

Bodyguard: (J) "If he engages me in combat would you like for me to deal with him?"

Kokuryuu: (J) "Hm no, I will deal with this person my self."

N/N: I set down my chopsticks and got up really annoyed that someone would interrupt my meal with my Sensei, as I walked over some of the other students watched me while others pulled out their phone to record what would happen.  When I got there my guard gave me a bow and moved out of the way for me to have a conversation with said person on what he is doing.

Kokuryuu: "I noticed as I was eating with my girlfriend that you were looking at her with a lustful expression, care to explain?"

???: "I don't need to explain anything other than the fact THAT I WANT HER!"

N/N: As he tried to give me a right hook I caught it in my left hand and brought my right hand up and gave him a punch right to the face which sent him back at least five feat and most of the other students backed up away from him not wanting to get hit.  I simply stood up straight and addressed the crowd.

Kokuryuu: "If anyone would like to become her boyfriend you will have to first get past me, a duel will be held after school and the other two rules is that you can only defeat each other with your bare hands and the other well you can't kill each other am I clear?"

N/N: Dead silence.

Kokuryuu: "Good."

Sensei: (J) (chuckles) "It seems that my boyfriend is quite protective of me."

N/N: After that whole ordeal, the other students became aware that I am her boyfriend and that I will defeat anyone that will think otherwise mercilessly, most of the other students started to get back to what they were doing whether that be having lunch or just talking.  As for that pervert he went sulking away from our location and my guards took up their positions again and I returned to having my lunch.

Kokurryuu: (J) "Of course you are my Sensei, but as of now they need to see that you are my girlfriend."

N/N: After that whole dilemma, the police officer that regularly walks around the school showed up to make sure nothing happened, he even followed us when we went to our next class, but as we were walking Sensei had a question bringing us to a stop.

Sensei: "Hey Y/N?"

Kokuryuu: "Yes my love?"

Sensei: "Earlier today a student sarcastically stated that you have a girlfriend, what was up with that?"

Kokuryuu: (sigh) "It's just that I'm a big introvert and I never make any friends until I met you and me getting a girlfriend would make people look at me more closely."

N/N: After that she put her left hand on my right shoulder and made me face her, and for the first time in a while I saw that her face was full of concern and then she pulled me into a hug with my chin over her left shoulder.

Sensei: "Don't worry about them I know that you can easily defeat all of them even if they go against the rules that you set for the duels and don't worry I won't ever leave you for another man you will always have my support."

N/N: After that I embraced her too in a hug, it is nice to have someone to vent all of your problems, we continued our day without much problems concerning perverts or anyone that would have the guts to challenge me to a duel.

Hi author here sorry for not updating it's just that I want more views for this book maybe I should add the sad chapter that I have been thinking of, honestly thinking of that specific scene makes me want to cry so much and I don't cry easily but dang it's just so sad.  Anyways I really want to increase the views of this book and I would like to see what you all think of adding a chapter from later in the book.

RyeXacters out.

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