Prologue The Meeting and Chosen

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N/N: As I was patrolling the stream that was in my fathers land, it was getting dark and I would have to head back inside but before I turned around to do so I saw something, what I saw startled me to some degree.  What I saw was a woman, dress almost entirely in grey clothing, she wielded a massive katana in her left hand and had two other katana's which were attached to a flight deck that appeared to be attached to her back, her coat was also burning on the edges too and her long white hair flowed in the wind reaching the ground.

N/N: But most of all was that she had two bunny ears on her head pointing behind her, it was just so weird to see something like that, I also noticed that she has a sting falling down from her left shoulder, when I looked closer I saw a name "Hiryuu."  She turned sharply towards my direction and I hid behind the tree I was spying from and calming my pumping heart but when I peaked out again she vanished not even a trace left, I looked around the surrounding area but saw nothing, leaving with a heavy sigh I slung my pump bb gun into my back and headed back.

N/N: Out of no where a sword swung right into me, but I managed to bend my back back enough to not get cut in half, as I looked at my opponent I saw that she was the same woman as before although she has a killer look now to completely kill me, I got into my fighting stance that I was taught in self defense class at school.  She looked a little amused by my stance and the fact that I will fight her but I will never go down without a fight, she then charged at me an attempted to swing her sword at my right side but luckily I knew how to counter such attack.  I moved forward putting my right arm vertical and swinging it into her arms, while simultaneously punching her in the face with my left hand then grabbing the hand that holds the sword in my right hand and my left hand on the back of her neck while bringing her upper body down and kneeling her in the stomach four times.

N/N: After that I brought my left hand to her left hand and moved to her left while twisting her arm enough to cavalier the weapon out of her hand and into my right hand, I then pulled her left while going for a right hook aimed at her lower back and then withdraw by backing up a bit.  She then stood up and turned back to me and what she said impressed me.

???: "I have never met any person that has been able to actually defend themselves while simultaneously attacking me."

???: "You clearly have the ability to put up a fair fight yet you do not have the motivation to do so."

???: "How about this I can give you something that you have never experienced and I can also train you to become the level of strength that you would like, what do you say?"


Kokuryuu: "I accept your offer but how will I obtain such strength when my human body limits me?"

???: "First you give me back my sword then lay down."

 Kokuryuu: "Right sorry about that."

N/N: I handed back her sword and layer down on the ground and waited until she gave the next instruction, I watched as she pulled out a blue glowing cube which she held in her right hand.

???: "I am going to insert this into your chest and a voice will speak to you and ask if you want to be a ship you will answer yes and then tell the voice what ship you want to become, I will train you after that."

 N/N: After that she then inserted the cube into my chest and I felt immeasurable pain through my chest, then through the haze a voice.

Cube: "Would you like to become strong?"

 Kokuryuu: "Yes."

 Cube: "What ship would you like to become?"

 Kokuryuu: "I would like to become IJN Kokuryuu."

 Cube: "As you wish."

N/N: After that my brain completely flashed blank and soon I opened my eyes and saw the mysterious person standing over me, studying me.

???: "Do you feel alright?"

 Kokuryuu: "I feel fine a bit different too."

 ???: "Go to the stream and see for yourself."

 N/N: I stood up and walked to the stream which was nearby and saw that my hair length had increased and it now was a beautiful shade of blue, I also had two cute Fox ears on my head which I could already tell can hear a lot better than my previous ears, I also was wearing a masked too and my eye color changed from a bluish brown to a deep shade of blue.  I looked at my new attire and saw that I was wearing two kimono's the outer one being a mix of dark blue and black with some red to it, I could tell that there was something behind me and as I looked I saw nine floofy tails spread out over the area near my back.  I even saw and felt that I had two melee weapons one was a elegantly crafted straight katana sheathed on my left hip and when I looked closer at it I saw that there was two inscriptions on either side of the blade and somehow I knew what each one meant, the right side was Intelligence and the left was strength.  After I looked at the katana I decided to look at the spear which I identified as a yari it had two new inscriptions on it as well the one on the right read caring and the other on the left it said respect.

N/N: Overall I quite liked this new form, and turned my attention back to the women.

Kokuryuu: "Thank you for this new life that I will be able to live and that you will guide me through it but how might I address you?"

 Sensei: "You may address me as Sensei."

Kokuryuu: "Very well I shall address you as Sensei and you will teach me the ways of the aircraft carrier.

Hola author here so I hope you like this one was a bit rushed kinda but not getting the views that I want is really draining my capacity to continue this book hopefully I do but life has me in a strangle hold so later anyway have a good day/night!

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