Chapter 1 Confession and A Surprise

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N/N: After we concluded the ceremony, she introduced me to her realm where she resides and instructed me that whenever I want to see her I should enter this realm to do so, we also started to do some exercises in order to prepare myself for further training but all to soon I had to go home in order to get some rest, but excited for the days ahead of me.

Timeskip: two months

N/N: In those two months we started training in all circle of combat, Sensei was particularly rough on me as I had to do a forty minute exercise before every training session including upper body, middle section and even lower body which gave me a fairly muscular body frame, but even though I was training with one of the most skilled aircraft carriers it still didn't suppress my depression.  One day when I entered through the rift, instantly allowing myself to see the cool features of my real body I walked to where my Sensei lay sitting on a rug, as I approached her she sensed me coming.

Sensei: (J) "Kokuryuu what are you doing her and before you finished your exercise what's wrong?"

Hakuryuu: (J) "My Sensei may I do something?"

Sensei: (J) "What is it Kokuryuu?"

N/N: As I make my way towards her she gives me a questions look as I sit down in front of her and slowly move forward until I wrapped my hands around her and had my head resting on the upper part of her chest letting out a content sigh I bury my head under her chin.

Sensei: (J) "Kokuryuu what is troubling you?"

Kokuryuu: (J) "sigh"  "I am tired Sensei not physically but mentally, I debated whether or not to tell you about it but then I decided to just tell you, I have something called depression.  It affects how the person acts and feels and right now I feel tired, sad and just over a needing for affection.

Sensei: ...

Sensei: (J) "Would you like me to give you affection?"

N/N: I pulled my head away from her and looked at her I saw her face full of concern and surprisingly, affectionate.

Kokuryuu: (J) "Yes that would be nice thank you Sensei."

N/N: I then rested my head on her upper chest and let out a sigh as I started to take in her affection, I felt her pick me up and went to grab a few pillows and set them down for her to lie on and after getting comfy she lied down with me still resting on her and she draped her left arm over my back and rub her hand up and down my back.  Slowly I could feel myself falling asleep in her embrace and I thought that her attitude towards me now changed to where I will need along with her guidance her affection, today she went from just a Sensei to now my adoptive mother.

Timeskip: a week

Kokuryuu: (J) "WHAT!?"

 N/N: Right now my Sensei and me are in her dimension and she decided that it I want to be more cheerful she needs to be with me everywhere I go which includes school and right now it is midnight and we are discussing this matter and she is very persistent.

Sensei: (J) "Well I want my apprentice to be more cheerful and I also want to get rid of your depression and the fastest way to do that is to be with him each day."

 Kokuryuu: (J) "Well what about my classes you would get really lucky if you got every class I have and also you would need to transfer in as a transfer student."

Sensei: (J) "Already taken care of my apprentice."

Kokuryuu: (J) "Don't tell me you got all of the same classes that I have."

Sensei: (J) "I don't now you will have to wait and see."

Kokuryuu: (J) "Ok but when we are there we will have to act as though we are lovers."

Sensei: (J) "And why is that?"

Kokuryuu: (J) "That is so they don't suspect anything, oh and also both of us should say that if any of them want to date you, they have to defeat me in open combat."

Sensei: (J) "Are you saying that because you are protective of me since I am now acting more as your mother?"

Kokuryuu: (J) "Yes."

N/N: And so it was decided, Sensei would accompany me to school and we would be seen as lovers, and if anyone tried to get in the way of us being together we would duel them and humiliate them with their defeat.  No one will stand in the way of my Sensei from being with me.

Hola so as you can see I am adding more context to the story and meta Hiryuu will be wearing a black kimono with gray flames with ash coming of the flames.

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