Chapter 3 Sakura Dancing (short)

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Kokuryuu POV

N/N: My school life changed a lot after that day, Sensei was always with me and we would train in self defense class, helping me in Spanish class and in other classes but prom was coming up and I didn't really have any motivation to go unless Sensei went to it also.  It was on my mind as I went through the rift and was met by a vary curious Sensei.

Sensei: (J) "So I heard something about this "prom" thing, what is it?"

Kokuryuu: (J) "It is an event where people dance, eat food and make friends."

Sensei: (J) "Do you want to go to this event?"

Kokuryuu: (J) "Not really unless you want to go to this event, then I might."

Sensei: (J) "I kind of want to go to see what this event would be like."

Kokuryuu: (J) "Then we shall go together to the dance."

N/N: And so it was decided we would go to the dance.

Timeskip: nightfall

N/N: As I was waiting just beyond rift in my suite and tie with a pink sakura flower on my left side of my torso, constantly changing the way the flower was poking out of my pocket, Sensei came out.  She was wearing black pants and suite that had white lines going down the length of it, had a white shirt underneath it, was wearing black gloves too and also had her hair tied with a black cloth.

Kokuryuu: (J) "Good evening Sensei, you look very professional."

Sensei: (J) "Thank you Kokuryuu you look very handsome yourself. (gasp)"

Kokuryuu: (J) "Sensei are you alright?"

Sensei: (J) "I'm fine let's go or else we won't have much time to stay there."

N/N: As we rode our planes there I couldn't help but notice that she was a bit anxious, it might be connected to us going to the dance but why would she be anxious as she is just acting as my girlfriend not really my girlfriend.

Sensei POV

N/N: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh I can't believe that we are actually going to a dance tonight, I need to remain calm when we actually start dancing I mean I hope we do dance tonight.

Timeskip: to the dance

N/N: As we got to the dance, Kokuryuu brought me over to the refreshments able and we decided to get two cups of water along with two slices of pizza that they served.  As we were sitting down and observing the dance Kokuryuu turned to me and asked a question.

Kokuryuu: (J) "Would you like for us to dance Sensei?"

 Sensei: (J) "Well I don't know maybe?"

 N/N: Kokuryuu then put his glass down, stood up and slightly bowed to me extending his hand too.

Kokuryuu: (J) "Would you like to dance with me?"

N/N: I hesitantly took his hand accepting his invitation and we took to the dance floor, I got a little more anxious when I started to notice that some of the people were watching us.  He must have noticed it as he moved forward and kissed my forehead stating that the only thing I have to worry about was dancing and keeping she contact with him, which did ease my sorry enough to have some fun dancing.

Timeskip: After the dance

N/N: After our little dance we sat down and I leaned into him taking in his strong, manly scent, ugh I love him geez I won't know how to act around him when he eventually leaves my training and would be considered a normal man, but I would like to be girlfriend for at least a day of I could.

Ok so I have a question would you like to see a glimpse into the future of me just continue in the story?  Because I want more views and stars so that I know that this book is a good one and just to say that I did well in making a book.  Also is anyone else disappointed in the new Azur Lane Musashi she just looks so different than what I expected does anyone else get me?  Also totally forgot but should I rename our protagonist to Kokuryuu with an updated bio really want to know what you think.

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