Chapter 4 The Start

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Warning in one of these paragraphs contain sexual harassment you have been warned!

N/N: When we arrived at Japan the Chinese had already taken the island of Okinawa and nearly sank the JS Kaga which had to go back to Japan for extensive repairs, looks like we will have to get rid of the Chinese ourselves and prevent them from invading the mainland which Sensei believes will happen soon.  Right now we are traveling by flying on our planes high above the clouds where we can look at the beautiful land of Japan and I most especially love the cherry blossoms that bloom every year it makes a beautiful sight to behold.  But if only that can last sadly we must make haste to the island of Okinawa and take it back after that Sensei plans to take out all of their capital ships, the Liaoning, the Shandong and the new one that's being built we will sink them all in one swift attack, the only problem is that they have satellite's, let's just hope that they don't spot is or anyone spots us.

Timeskip: Okinawa

N/N: Here we are, Okinawa hopefully we can take this island faster than the Americans did during World War two, the plan is having our planes bombing and shooting the enemies on the ground while we are attacking to make a scene of utter chaos that will work in our favor as most of the fighting will be in close range.  Nothing will stand in our way, luckily or unlucky however way you see it they even brought in their oldest carrier, the Liaoning she will be the first ship to call to our wrath however she is on the west side of the island but we have a few nasty surprises for them to see.

N/N: The plan unraveled easily in the morning we struck, at dawn we came with all of our planes we attacked from the east where the sun will guard over us hopefully, the first step was our torpedo bombers diving down from a high altitude and blowing open the inner hanger for our glorious dive bombers to seize the final kill.  Anti-aircraft gunfire hailed by us targeting every plane that tried to land a bit on her, but it was in vain for her fate was set she she arrived here, the dive bombers dropped their bombs piercing the inner hanger floor and wedging themselves into her softly armoured haul and detonated in a massive explosion like when a ship detonate's.  The ship began to intake water quickly and within less than a minute she had slipped beneath the waves of the battle taking most of her crew with her as for the rest of the ships in the fleet they were no match for any of the torpedoes or armour piercing bombs as their armour is terrible, most of them that sank was because Sensei just ripped a straight holed into them with her long katana's.

N/N: After the battle at sea I asked Sensei if it was alright for me to send a message to the prime minister of Japan, to which she allowed I sent two things one the picture of the Liaoning sinking and the words that stated "The Liaoning Has Sank By Unknown People" I think that will get everybody's attention especially the Japanese they always had a sense of avenge.  Right now we are fixing ourselves up mostly our planes because we only have so many while our bodies can heal faster than normal people, we will attack the enemy that is on land at dawn the next morning I just hope that we have enough planes and ammunition to keep fighting after we secure any location and I don't think it will be easy because the Chinese really want to keep this island, looks like we will just have to fight harder.

N/N: The attack has begun first by decimating all of their above ground buildings then during the attack we strike to allow our planes to actually hit things so that they don't hide while we waste ammunition, we cut effortlessly through their defences and through them most especially Sensei as her blades were trimmed to cut through even the most dense of things.  After we take a section of lane we burn the bodies so that they don't attract date with their rotting corpses, we are trying to make our way towards one of the villages that we are closest to and within luck the civilians are still there, I sent out a few fighter planes to scout out the village to get some knowledge on its state and her people before falling asleep later that night.

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