Chapter 11 - My Yellow Sun

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Lena could hardly believe it. She was there again kissing those sweet lips of her beautiful Kara, feeling her warmth against her body again. She took her lips from Kara's, passed her hand caressing the beautiful golden hair and the face of that woman she loved so much. She now had green eyes filled with tears and a smile on her face.

"You can't have any idea how much I missed these eyes, blue as the sky... and your smile, your voice, your warmth..." Lena lay back on Kara's chest, hugging her. "Don't you ever leave me here without you again, please."

"Don't cry, honey... I'm here with you and I don't intend to go anywhere."

"It was a nightmare staying here without you, Kara... every empty day not knowing if you would wake up or not." Lena stood up again to look at Kara. "Do you realize this? Do you realize how much I love you?"

"I might have some idea... you jumped in front of a bullet for me."

"And I couldn't stop her from hitting you..." Lena lowered her eyes remembering that night. "But I don't regret it for a second, I would jump in front of the bullet again without hesitation."

Kara brought her hand to Lena's face, wiping with her thumb the tear that insisted on running down that beautiful face. The touch of that soft hand made Lena close her eyes, enjoying that touch so affectionate and which she had missed so much.

"If that bullet had hit you, I don't even want to think... I couldn't bear to relive the worst nightmare of my life again. I'm glad that bullet hit me and not you. I wouldn't survive if you died in front of me again, Lena."

"It terrified me to see my mother with that gun pointed at your chest... I couldn't let her hurt you. I wanted to die that night, I was desperate! If she had taken you away from me... I don't even know..."

"Don't think about it anymore. I'm here, right?"

"It hurts me so much to know that somehow I brought you so much harm... I don't want to hurt you ever again, my love."

"You don't hurt me, Lena... don't say that."

"I really want to believe that."

Kara sat up in bed and held both of Lena's hands. She looked into her eyes and Lena could believe that Kara could see into her soul.

"And I'll tell you why." Kara said. "Remember you once told me that Jack was your kryptonite? Mon-El told me that once too, that I was his kryptonite. But that's not something I can say about you, Lena... because you are not and you will never be my kryptonite."

"I am not?" Lena lowered her eyes, as if those words of Kara's were heavy inside her chest.

"No, you are not". Kara touched Lena's chin making her meet her eyes again. "And you know why? Because kryptonite hurts, weakens, kills. And you're the opposite of all that to me."

Lena smiled with her big green eyes being filled with tears again as Kara continued to speak:

"You don't hurt me; you protect me, heal me, take care of me. You don't weaken me; you just make me stronger with each passing day. You don't take my life, on the contrary... you bring me the energy of life, will to live... you light up all my days from the first time I saw you. It was you who kept me connected to this life, it was because of you that I woke up. And for all that, Lena Luthor, you are not my kryptonite. You are my yellow sun, the beautiful light of my life."

That was without the slightest doubt the greatest declaration of love Lena had ever received in her entire life. Her chest felt like it was going to explode, her heart pounding as if it wanted to come out of her chest and fly. So much emotion could not be contained and flowed through her eyes, down her face, past her wide smile. Her love for Kara overflowed, oozed from every pore of hers.

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